DxChartDonutSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Class
Use the DxPieChartSeries in the DxPieChart component to create pie and donut charts instead.
Defines a donut series.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
[Obsolete("Use the DxPieChartSeries in the DxPieChart component to create pie and donut charts instead.")]
public class DxChartDonutSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> :
DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TValue>
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The type of data. |
TArgument | The type of arguments. |
TValue | The type of values. |
Since v2021.2, the DxChartDonutSeries has been obsoleted (refer to this Breaking Change for more details). To create a donut chart, use the DxPieChartSeries in the DxPieChart component and specify its InnerDiameter property instead.
The following image shows a donut chart sample:
Use the chart’s Data property to specify an IEnumerable<T> data source, and the ArgumentField and ValueField properties to specify data source fields that contain arguments and values for chart points. For a sample data source, refer to our GitHub repository.
<DxChart Data="@SalesData">
<DxChartTitle Text="Total Sales" />
<DxChartLegend AllowToggleSeries="true" VerticalAlignment="VerticalEdge.Bottom" Position="RelativePosition.Outside" />
<DxChartDonutSeries ValueField="@((SaleInfo i) => i.Amount)"
ArgumentField="@(i => i.City)"
<DxChartSeriesLabel Visible="true" />
@code {
IEnumerable<SaleInfo> SalesData;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
SalesData = (await Sales.GetSalesAsync()).Where(x => x.Country == "United States");