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MaskCaretMode Enum

Lists caret navigation modes for date-time, date-time offset, and time span masks.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public enum MaskCaretMode


Name Description

Input focus remains within one section until a user moves focus to another section.


After a user completes input into a mask section, the caret moves to the next editable section.

#Related API Members


Date-time, date-time offset, and time span masks can include multiple sections (for instance, the days and hours sections). These masks allow users to modify only one section at a time. Input focus remains within one section until a user moves focus to another section.

Regular Date-Time Masks

Set the CaretMode property to Advancing to move the caret to the next editable section after a user completes input into a mask section:

Date-Time Masks with Advancing Caret

<DxDateEdit @bind-Date="@date" 
    <DxDateTimeMaskProperties CaretMode="@MaskCaretMode.Advancing" />

@code {
    DateTime date { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
See Also