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DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit Namespace

Contains classes for DevExpress Blazor RichEdit component.

Assemblies: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Blazor.RichEdit, DevExpress.Blazor


Name Description
Bookmark A bookmark in a document.
Bookmarks Contains members that allow you to manage a sub-document’s bookmarks.
CalculateDocumentVariableEventArgs Provides data for the CalculateDocumentVariable event.
CharacterProperties Contains character properties.
ContentChangedEventArgs Contains data for the ContentInserted event.
ContentRemovedEventArgs Contains data for the ContentRemoved event.
Document A document in the Rich Text Editor.
DocumentElementBase Defines the base API for classes that implement document structural elements.
DocumentImageSource Contains methods that allow you to specify an image source.
DxHyperlinkSettings Contains hyperlink settings.
DxMailMergeSettings Contains the mail merge settings.
DxRichEdit A Microsoft Word-inspired rich text editor with comprehensive text formatting options, mail merge support, and a rich collection of user options.
ElementCollection<TElement> The base for classes that implement document element collections.
ElementSize Contains height and width settings.
Field A field in a sub-document.
Fields Contains members that allow you to manage a sub-document’s fields.
FloatingObjectDistanceFromText Contains settings that specify distances between the floating object borders and text that wraps around the object.
Hyperlink A hyperlink in a document.
Hyperlinks Contains members that allow you to manage a sub-document’s hyperlinks.
Image A floating image in a sub-document.
ImageBase<T> The base for classes that implement an image in a document.
ImageBaseProperties The base for classes that contain image settings in a document.
ImageProperties Contains an image’s properties.
Images Contains members that allow you to create and access a sub-document’s images.
InlineImage An inline image in a sub-document.
InlineImageProperties Contains an inline image’s properties.
InlineImages Contains members that allow you to create and access a sub-document’s inline images.
Interval Contains settings of a sub-document’s interval.
InvalidAccessException An exception that can occur when you try to access an inaccessible API during a server-client transaction.
List A list in a document.
ListLevel Contains the list level’s properties.
ListLevelProperties Contains the list level’s properties.
Lists Contains members that allow you to manage document lists.
Margins Contains margin settings.
Outline Contains image outline settings.
Paragraph A paragraph in a sub-document.
ParagraphProperties Contains the paragraph properties.
Paragraphs Contains members that allow you to manage a sub-document’s paragraphs.
RichEditBarItemNames static Contains names of built-in items.
RichEditContextMenuItemNames static Contains names of built-in items.
RichEditRibbonContextTabType static Contains types of context tabs.
RichEditRibbonGroupNames static Contains names of all groups in the built-in ribbon.
RichEditRibbonTabNames static Contains names of all tabs in the built-in ribbon.
RichEditToolbarGroupNames static Contains names of all groups in the Rich Text Editor‘s built-in toolbar.
Section A section in a document.
SectionProperties Contains section properties.
Sections Contains members that allow you to manage a document’s sections.
Selection Contains information about document selection.
SubDocument A sub-document in a document.
Table A table in a sub-document.
TableBorder Contains table border settings.
TableBorders Contains table borders.
TableBordersBase Defines the base API for classes that implement table borders.
TableCell A table cell.
TableCellBorders Contains cell borders.
TableCellProperties Contains cell properties.
TableCells Contains members that allow you to manage cells in a row.
TableProperties Contains table properties.
TableRow A table row.
TableRowHeight Contains height settings.
TableRowProperties Contains row properties.
TableRows Contains members that allow you to manage a table’s rows.
Tables Contains members that allow you to manage a sub-document’s tables.
TableStyleName static Contains names of table styles.
TableWidth Contains width settings.
TextSpan A span of document content.
UnitConverter static Contains methods that allow you to convert different units of measurement.


Name Description
ICharacterProperties Contains character properties.
IDocumentFormatDetector Declares methods that detect the format of document files.
IFloatingObjectDistanceFromText Declares settings that specify the distances between the floating object borders and text that wraps around the object.
IMargins Declares margin settings.
IOutline Declares image outline settings.
ISize Declares height and width settings.
ISpellCheckService Allows you to implement a custom spell check service.
ITableBorder Contains table border settings.
ITableBorders Contains table borders.
ITableBordersBase Defines the base API for interfaces that implement table borders.
ITableCellBorders Contains cell borders.
ITableRowHeight Contains row height settings.
ITableWidth Contains width settings.


Name Description
TableCellPosition Defines a cell position in a table.


Name Description
BorderLineStyle Lists border line styles.
CharacterFormattingScript Lists values that specify character script format.
DocumentFormat Lists file document formats.
FirstLineIndentType Lists values that specify the indent type for the first line in a paragraph.
FloatingObjectHorizontalAlignment Lists values that specify the horizontal alignment for a floating object.
FloatingObjectHorizontalAnchorElement Lists values that specify the element to which the floating object is horizontally aligned.
FloatingObjectVerticalAlignment Lists values that specify the vertical alignment for a floating object.
FloatingObjectVerticalAnchorElement Lists values that specify the element to which the floating object is vertically aligned.
HeaderFooterType Lists header and footer types.
LineSpacingType Lists values that specify the line spacing type for a paragraph.
ListLevelFormat Lists values that specify the format for a list level’s number or bullet.
ListType Lists values that specify the list type.
MergeMode Lists delimiters that start a new merged range.
ParagraphAlignment Lists values that specify the paragraph alignment.
SectionBreakType Lists the types of a section break.
SubDocumentType Lists values that specify a sub-document type.
TableRowHeightType Lists values that specify different row height calculation modes.
TableStyleOptions Lists table style options.
TableWidthType Lists values that specify how the component determines the table or cell width.
ViewType Lists values that specify a document view type.
WrapType Lists values that specify how text wraps around an image.