MessageBoxOptions Class
In This Article
Defines options for a message box.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public class MessageBoxOptions
The MessageBoxOptions
object allows you to set up message box settings when you create a message box at runtime.
<DxDialogProvider />
<DxButton Text="Show a message box window" Click="@OpenConfirmDialogAsync" />
@code {
[Inject] IDialogService DialogService { get; set; }
private async Task OpenConfirmDialogAsync() {
await DialogService.ConfirmAsync(new MessageBoxOptions() {
Title = "Error",
Text = "Unable to process the request. Please try again later or contact support.",
OkButtonText = "Contact Support",
CancelButtonText = "Try Later",
RenderStyle = MessageBoxRenderStyle.Danger
#Display Multiline Text
For security reasons, the message box encodes the Text property value. To display multiple lines of text in the message box, specify the CssClass property as follows:
.my-messagebox {
white-space: pre-line;
<DxDialogProvider RenderStyle="MessageBoxRenderStyle.Danger" />
<DxButton Text="Show a message box window"
Click="@OpenConfirmDialogAsync" />
@code {
[Inject] IDialogService DialogService { get; set; }
private async Task OpenConfirmDialogAsync() {
await DialogService.ConfirmAsync(new MessageBoxOptions() {
Title = "Unsaved Changes",
Text = "A data item has been modified.\r\nDo you want to save changes?",
RenderStyle = MessageBoxRenderStyle.Warning,
OkButtonText = "Save",
CancelButtonText = "Don't Save",
CssClass = "my-messagebox",
See Also