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DxButton Class

A button control that supports advanced style and content customization options.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxButton :


The DevExpress Button for Blazor (<DxButton>) allows you to add a stylized button to your project and handle its click.


Run Demo: Button

Add a Button to a Project

Follow the steps below to add the Button component to an application:

  1. Use a DevExpress Project Template to create a new Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly application. If you use a Microsoft project template or already have a Blazor project, configure your project to incorporate DevExpress Blazor components.
  2. Add the <DxButton/> markup to a .razor file.
  3. Configure the component: specify the button’s content and appearance, handle button clicks, and so on (see the sections below).

.NET 8 and .NET 9 Specifics

Blazor Button does not support static render mode. Enable interactivity to use the component in your application. Refer to the following topic for more details: Enable Interactive Render Mode.

Button Content and Appearance

Use the Text property to specify the button’s text.

To configure button appearance, specify the RenderStyle and RenderStyleMode properties.

<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Primary" RenderStyleMode="ButtonRenderStyleMode.Contained" 
    Text="Primary (Contained)" />
<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Danger" RenderStyleMode="ButtonRenderStyleMode.Outline" 
    Text="Danger (Outline)" />
<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Link" RenderStyleMode="ButtonRenderStyleMode.Contained" 
    Text="Link" />

Button Styles

Assign the icon’s CSS class to the IconCssClass property to add an icon to your button. The IconPosition property specifies the icon position.

<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Dark" Text="Undo" Title="Undo the last action." 
    IconCssClass="undo" style="margin-right: 0.5em;"/>
<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Dark" Text="Redo" Title="Restore the previously undone action." 
    IconCssClass="redo" IconPosition="ButtonIconPosition.AfterText" />

Button with icons

To hide the button, set the Visible property to false.

Run Demo: Button — Icons

Size Modes

Use the SizeMode property to specify a button size. The following code snippet applies different size modes to Button components.

<DxButton Text="Small" SizeMode="SizeMode.Small" />

<DxButton Text="Medium" SizeMode="SizeMode.Medium" />

<DxButton Text="Large" SizeMode="SizeMode.Large" />

Button - Size mode

For more information, refer to Size Modes.

Handle the Click Event

Handle the Click event to respond to the button’s click.

<DxButton ...

@code {
    // ...
    void Handler(MouseEventArgs args) {
        Console.WriteLine("I am clicked!");

If you use the NavigateUrl property together with the Click event’s handler, the browser handles the event first and then navigates to the specified URL.

To submit a form with a button click, set the SubmitFormOnClick option to true.

Set the Enabled property to false to disable the button.

<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Primary" Text="Disabled button" Enabled="false" />

Disabled Button

Custom Content

You can use the ChildContent property to add custom content to your button and customize its appearance and behavior:

Button Custom Content

<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Info" Click="@Like" IconCssClass="like" Text="Like">
    <span style="width: 0.8em; margin-left: 8px;">@(likes < 10 ? likes.ToString() : "9")</span>

@code {
    int likes;
    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        likes = 1;
    void Like(MouseEventArgs args) {

Run Demo: Button — Custom Content


If a Blazor application throws unexpected exceptions, refer to the following help topic: Troubleshooting.

See Also