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DxPolarChartBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Class

Defines a bar series.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxPolarChartBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> :
    DxPolarChartBaseSeries<T, TArgument, TValue>

#Type Parameters

Name Description

The data type.


The series argument type.


The series value type.


The bar series displays data as a collection of bars.

Bar width is specified

Run Demo: Polar and Radar - Discrete Data

#Declare a Bar Series

  1. Use the Polar Chart’s Data property to specify a data source.
  2. Add a <DxPolarChartBarSeries> tag to the component’s markup.
  3. Assign data source fields that contain arguments and values for data points to ArgumentField and ValueField properties.
  4. Optional. Configure the series: customize appearance, add labels, choose selection and hover modes, etc.
<DxPolarChart Data=@DataSource>
    <DxPolarChartBarSeries ArgumentField="@((DiscretePoint i) => i.Arg)"
                           ValueField="@((DiscretePoint i) => i.Day)">
    <DxChartLegend Visible="false" />

#Nested Component Structure

You can add the following child components to a bar series:

Defines a series label.
Defines an item that indicates a series in the legend.
Provides settings for points of the chart’s line series.

Note that the Polar Chart treats individual bars as points. If you specify the same property at both series and series point levels, the latter has a higher priority.

The following code snippet declares these objects in the markup:

@using System.Drawing

<DxPolarChart Data=@DataSource>
    <DxChartLegend Position="RelativePosition.Outside" />
    <DxPolarChartBarSeries ArgumentField="@((DiscretePoint i) => i.Arg)"
                           ValueField="@((DiscretePoint i) => i.Day)" 
        <DxChartSeriesLegendItem Text="Daily Temperature" />
        <DxChartSeriesLabel Visible="true" FormatPattern="{value:##.#}" />
        <DxChartSeriesPoint Color="Color.Blue" />

Nested components

#Customize Appearance

The Polar Chart allows you to use the following options to customize a bar series:

Specifies the padding between bars in a bar group, as a percentage.
Specifies the width of an individual bar in the series, in pixels.
Specifies whether the series should break on points with null values.
Specifies the color of the series.
Specifies the minimum bar height, in pixels.

Custom series appearance

@using System.Drawing

<DxPolarChart Data=@DataSource>
    <DxPolarChartBarSeries ArgumentField="@((DiscretePoint i) => i.Arg)"
                           ValueField="@((DiscretePoint i) => i.Day)"

#User Interaction Options

Users can select and hover the mouse pointer over a series and its elements. The table below describes available user interaction options. Since the Polar Chart component treats individual bars as points, the SeriesSelectionMode property is not applicable to a bar series.

Description Component Level Series Level
Hover Over Series and Its Elements Not Applicable HoverMode
Point Selection PointSelectionMode SelectionMode


DxComplexSettingsComponent<DxPolarChartBaseSeries<T, TArgument, TValue>, DevExpress.Blazor.Internal.IPolarChartSeriesModel>
DxPolarChartBaseSeries<T, TArgument, TValue>
DxPolarChartBarSeries<T, TArgument, TValue>
See Also