IToastNotificationService Interface
In This Article
Allows you to manage toast notifications in code.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public interface IToastNotificationService
The toast notification service allows you to create, show, and close toast notifications in code. To use the service, inject it with the [Inject] attribute.
[Inject] IToastNotificationService ToastService { get; set; }
Use methods implemented by the interface to manage toast notifications in code.
The ShowToast method overloads allow you to create and show toast notifications at runtime or to show DxToast components declared in markup.
razor<DxButton Text="Create a toast" Click="CreateToastAtRuntime" /> <DxButton Text="Show a declared toast" Click="ShowDeclaredToast" /> <DxToastProvider /> <DxToast Id="toast1" Text="The toast specified in markup." /> @code { [Inject] IToastNotificationService ToastService { get; set; } private void CreateToastAtRuntime() { ToastService.ShowToast(new ToastOptions { Id = "toast2", Title = "New toast", Text = "The new toast is created.", }); } private void ShowDeclaredToast() { ToastService.ShowToast("toast1"); } }
The CloseToast(String) method allows you to close toast notifications.
razorToastService.CloseToast("toast1"); ToastService.CloseToast("toast2");
See Also