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TreeListSelectAllCheckboxMode Enum

Lists values that specify whether the Select All checkbox selects all rows on the current page or on all TreeList pages.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public enum TreeListSelectAllCheckboxMode


Name Description

The Select All checkbox does not affect child rows of collapsed items and selects/deselects rows on the current page only.


The Select All checkbox affects child rows of collapsed items and selects/deselects all rows on all pages.


The Select All checkbox does not affect child rows of collapsed items and selects/deselects rows on the current page only. An additional drop-down button displays a context menu that allows users to select and deselect all rows on all pages.

Related API Members

The following properties accept/return TreeListSelectAllCheckboxMode values:


When you declare a DxTreeListSelectionColumn object in the Columns template, the TreeList displays the selection column. The column header contains the Select All checkbox.

Set the SelectAllCheckboxMode property to a TreeListSelectAllCheckboxMode enumeration value to specify whether to select only visible rows on the current page or all rows on all TreeList pages.

@inject EmployeeTaskService EmployeeTaskService

<DxTreeList Data="TreeListData"
        <DxTreeListSelectionColumn />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Name" Caption="Task" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="EmployeeName" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="StartDate" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="DueDate" />

@code {
    List<EmployeeTask> TreeListData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        TreeListData = EmployeeTaskService.GenerateData();

TreeList Select All Checkbox

See Also