ChartElementFormat Class
Lists formats applied to axis and series labels.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public sealed class ChartElementFormat
Related API Members
The following members return ChartElementFormat objects:
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Use the ChartElementFormat
class to specify an axis and series label’s format. The class contains properties for date-time formats and methods for numeric formats. You can also define a custom format based on the LDML standard.
In the following example, the Chart component applies the Month and Day
format to the argument axis. The value axis uses the Decimal
number format.
<DxChart Data="@forecasts">
<DxChartAxisLabel Format="ChartElementFormat.MonthAndDay"></DxChartAxisLabel>
<DxChartAxisTitle Text="Date"></DxChartAxisTitle>
<DxChartAxisLabel Format="ChartElementFormat.Decimal()"></DxChartAxisLabel>
<DxChartAxisTitle Text="Temperature, C"></DxChartAxisTitle>
@* ... *@
See Also