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DxHtmlEditorMention Class

Defines a mention list.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxHtmlEditorMention :


<DxHtmlEditor> supports mentions that allow a user to reference other users in text or conversation threads. When a user types a predefined marker, the editor displays a drop-down list of available names. The component allows you to use multiple mention lists. To identify a mention list, use a unique marker.

Create a Mention List

Follow the steps below to create and configure a mention list:

  1. Add a DxHtmlEditorMention object to the DxHtmlEditorMentions collection.
  2. Use the DxHtmlEditorMention.Data property to specify a data source for mentions.
  3. Specify the DisplayFieldName property to obtain display values for mentions from data source fields.
  4. Assign a unique marker to the Marker property.
  5. Specify the SearchFieldNames property to enable search operations for mentions.
  6. Optional. Use SearchMinLength and SearchDelay properties to configure search settings.


The following code snippet implements mentions to emulate the functionality common to many collaboration tools:

Html Editor - Mentions

<DxHtmlEditor Markup="@Markup" Height="200px">
        <DxHtmlEditorMention Data="@EmployeesData"
                             SearchFieldNames="@SearchFieldNames" />

@code {
    string Markup = @"<p>
                      <span class='dx-mention' spellcheck='false' data-marker='@' data-mention-value='Kevin Carter'>
                            Kevin Carter
                      I think John's expertise can be very valuable in our startup.
    string[] SearchFieldNames = { nameof(MentionData.Name) };

    class MentionData {
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Team { get; set; }
    MentionData[] EmployeesData = {
        new MentionData() { Name = "John Heart", Team = "Engineering" },
        new MentionData() { Name = "Kevin Carter", Team = "Engineering" },
        new MentionData() { Name = "Olivia Peyton", Team = "Management" },
        new MentionData() { Name = "Robert Reagan", Team = "Management" },
        new MentionData() { Name = "Cynthia Stanwick", Team = "Engineering" },
        new MentionData() { Name = "Brett Wade", Team = "Analysis" },
        new MentionData() { Name = "Greta Sims", Team = "QA" },

Run Demo: HTML Editor - Mentions


See Also