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DxSplitButton Class

A composite control that consists of a primary button and a toggleable secondary button that reveals a drop-down element.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxSplitButton :


The DevExpress Split Button component for Blazor (<DxSplitButton>) allows users to execute a default action (primary button click) and display a drop-down (secondary button click). The drop-down displays either a command list or custom content. You can apply a predefined style to the component and customize its layout and appearance.

DxSplitButton - Overview

Run Demo: Split Button

Add a Split Button to a Project

Follow the steps below to add a Split Button component to an application:

  1. Use a DevExpress Project Template to create a new Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly application. If you use a Microsoft project template or already have a Blazor project, configure your project to incorporate DevExpress Blazor components.
  2. Add the following markup to a .razor file: <DxSplitButton></DxSplitButton>.
  3. Specify the drop-down window’s content. You can populate the window with a list of commands or display custom content.
  4. Customize component appearance.
  5. Optional. Specify the primary button text or change the secondary button position.

.NET 8 and .NET 9 Specifics

Blazor Split Button does not support static render mode. Enable interactivity to use the component in your application. Refer to the following topic for more details: Enable Interactive Render Mode.

The <DxSplitButton> component operates in unbound mode and requires that you add DxDropDownButtonItem objects to the component markup. Use the Items property to specify a collection of root items. Each item can have a collection of child items.

When a user clicks a drop-down list item, the drop-down menu closes. To change this behavior, set the CloseDropDownOnItemClick property to false.

Run Demo: Split Button

Item Groups

You can display horizontal lines within the menu to separate items into groups. To start a new group, set the item’s BeginGroup property to true.

DxSplitButton -Item Separator

<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
               IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-paste"
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Cut" IconCssClass="menu-icon-cut menu-icon" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Copy" IconCssClass="menu-icon-copy menu-icon" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste" IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-paste" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste Special" BeginGroup="true">
                <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste Text Only" />
                <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste Picture" Enabled="false" />
                <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste as Hyperlink" />

Use the NavigateUrl property to specify a URL where the web browser navigates when the drop-down list item is clicked. To specify where the browser should open the URL (for example, the current window or a new tab), use the Target property.

The following code snippet opens the Documentation item’s NavigateUrl link in the same tab and the Demos item’s link in a new tab:

DxSplitButton - Item Navigation Location

<DxSplitButton Text="Blazor Components"
               RenderStyleMode="ButtonRenderStyleMode.Outline" >
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Documentation"
                              NavigateUrl="" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Demos"
                              Target="_blanc" />

Items with Custom Drop-Down Content

Use the item’s DropDownContentTemplate property to display custom content within the item’s drop-down window.

DxSplitButton - Custom Item DropDown Content

<DxSplitButton Text="Blazor Components"
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Documentation" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Demos" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Click to search">
                <div class="d-flex flex-row align-items-center h-100">
                    <DxSearchBox CssClass="search py-0" aria-label="Search" />

Click Events

Use the component’s ItemClick event to specify a common click handler for all drop-down list items. To react to an individual item click, handle the item’s Click event.

@inject IJSRuntime JSRuntime

<p>The clicked item is @ClickedItem</p>

<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
               IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-paste"
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Cut"
                              IconCssClass="menu-icon-cut menu-icon"
                              Click="@OnCutItemClick" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Copy"
                              IconCssClass="menu-icon-copy menu-icon"
                              Click="@OnCopyItemClick" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste"
                              IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-paste" />

@code {
    public string ClickedItem { get; set; } = "";

    void OnCutItemClick(MouseEventArgs args) {
        ClickedItem = "Cut";
    void OnCopyItemClick(MouseEventArgs args) {
        ClickedItem = "Copy";

    async Task OnItemCommonClick(DropDownButtonItemClickEventArgs args) {
        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("alert", $"The drop-down list item has been clicked.");

Custom Drop-Down Window Content

The <DxSplitButton> component can display a drop-down window with custom content. Specify the component’s DropDownContentTemplate property to customize the drop-down window’s layout and appearance.


@inject NwindDataService NwindDataService
<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
               Text="Select Employee"
               IconCssClass="sb-icon sb-icon-user-profile"
        <div class="item-template">
            <img src="@StaticAssetUtils.GetImagePath(GetImageFileName(Value))" alt="@Value.FullName"/>
            <span class="item-template-name">@Value.FullName</span>
        <DxListBox Data="@Data"
                   CssClass="cw-640 ch-360">
                <div class="item-template">
                    <img src="@StaticAssetUtils.GetImagePath(GetImageFileName(context.DataItem))"
                    <span class="item-template-name">@context.DataItem.FullName</span>

@code {
    IEnumerable<Employee> Data { get; set; }
    bool DropDownVisible { get; set; }
    Employee Value { get; set; }
    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {
        Data = await NwindDataService.GetEmployeesAsync();
        Value = Data.FirstOrDefault();
        DropDownVisible = false;
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();
    string GetImageFileName(Employee employee) {
        return $"employees/item-template{employee.EmployeeId}.jpg";

Run Demo: Split Button

Primary Button Clicks

Use the <DxSplitButton> component’s Click event to specify a click handler for the primary button. If you use the NavigateUrl property with the Click event’s handler, the browser handles the event first and then navigates to the specified URL.

<DxSplitButton Text="Blazor Components"
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Demos"
                              NavigateUrl="" />

@code {
    public string Message { get; set; }
    void OnPrimaryButtonClick(MouseEventArgs args) {
        Message = "The primary button is clicked.";

You can also use the primary button to submit a form. To enable form submit, set the SubmitFormOnClick property to true.

Size Modes

Use the SizeMode property to specify <DxSplitButton> component size. The following code snippet applies different size modes to Split Button components:

DxSplitButton - Size Modes

<DxSplitButton Text="Small" SizeMode="SizeMode.Small">
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Favorites" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Recently Added" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Show All" />
<DxSplitButton Text="Medium" SizeMode="SizeMode.Medium">
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Favorites" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Recently Added" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Show All" />
<DxSplitButton Text="Large" SizeMode="SizeMode.Large">
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Favorites" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Recently Added" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Show All" />


This section describes how you can customize the <DxSplitButton> component and its elements.

Predefined Styles

The <DxSplitButton> component allows you to apply a predefined style to the main button. You can use the following properties:

Specifies the split button’s predefined style.
Specifies the split button’s color filling type.

DxSplitButton - Predefined Styles

<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
               Text="Primary (Contained)">
    @* ... *@
<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Danger"
               Text="Danger (Outline)">
    @* ... *@
<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Link"
               Text="Link (Text)">
    @* ... *@


The <DxSplitButton> component allows you to add icons to the primary button and drop-down list items. The following properties are available:

Specifies the icon’s CSS class.
Specifies the icon’s position.

DxSplitButton - ItemAppearance Customization

<DxSplitButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
               IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-paste"
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Cut" IconCssClass="menu-icon-cut menu-icon" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Copy" IconCssClass="menu-icon-copy menu-icon" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Paste" IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-paste" />

The <DxSplitButton> component displays the drop-down toggle icon if a command reveals the drop-down element. You can use the DropDownToggleCssClass property to customize toggle appearance. To hide the toggle icon, set the DropDownToggleVisible property to false.

You can also configure settings of drop-down elements. The following properties are available:

Assigns a CSS class to the drop-down element
Specifies the drop-down element’s position relative to the target element.
Specifies how the Split Button component displays its drop-down elements.
Specifies whether to open a drop-down element on item click in DropDown display mode on desktop devices.

The following code snippet changes the position of the main drop-down element in the <DxSplitButton> component and customizes the drop-down toggle icon:

DxSplitButton - Drop-Down Customization

<DxSplitButton Text="Blazor Components"
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Documentation"
                              NavigateUrl="" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Demos"
                              NavigateUrl="" />


Use the Tooltip property to specify tooltip text for the split button or a drop-down list item.

DxSplitnButton - Show Tooltips

<DxSplitButton Text="Blazor Components"
               Tooltip="Click to see possible options">
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Documentation"
                              Tooltip="This item contains a link" />
        <DxDropDownButtonItem Text="Demos"
                              Tooltip="This item contains a link" />

Keyboard Navigation

The DevExpress Blazor Split Button component supports keyboard shortcuts that allow users to access a drop-down element and navigate through drop-down list items.

The following shortcut keys are available:

Shortcut Keys Description
Tab, Shift+Tab When the Split Button is focused, moves focus to the next/previous focusable element on a page.
Enter, Space
Alt+Down Arrow
Opens a drop-down window and moves focus to its first item.
Right Arrow For drop-down list items: Opens a drop-down window and moves focus to its first item.
Alt+Up Arrow Closes all drop-down windows and moves focus to the main button.
Esc Closes the current drop-down window and moves focus to the corresponding root item (or main button).
Left Arrow For drop-down list items: Closes the current drop-down window and moves focus to the corresponding root item.
Right Arrow
Left Arrow
Moves focus between primary and secondary buttons.
Down Arrow Moves focus to the next drop-down list item.
Up Arrow Moves focus to the previous drop-down list item.


If a Blazor application throws unexpected exceptions, refer to the following help topic: Troubleshooting.

See Also