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DxPieChart<T>.SelectionChanged Event

Fires when pie sector selection changes.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public Action<PieChartSelectionChangedEventArgs> SelectionChanged { get; set; }

Event Data

The SelectionChanged event's data class is PieChartSelectionChangedEventArgs. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
IsPointSelected Identifies whether a pie sector is selected.
Point Returns the last point that is clicked when selecting.
Series Returns a series to which the clicked point belongs.


Use the PointSelectionMode property to enable pie sector selection in the <DxPieChart> component.

The SelectionChanged event fires when a user selects/deselects a pie sector or you call the following methods:


The following example obtains an argument and value of a selected pie sector:

A pie slice is selected.

@page "/"
<DxPieChart Data="@infos"
            Width="500" Height="300" 
    <DxPieChartSeries T="SessionInfo"
                      ArgumentField="i => i.Country"
                      ValueField="i => i.Total"/>
<br /><br />
@if (Selection != null) {
    <div id="selection-args">
            <tr> <td>Selected Point Argument:</td><td> @Selection.Point.Argument</td> </tr>
            <tr> <td>Selected Point Value:</td><td> @Selection.Point.Value</td> </tr>
@code {
    private SessionInfo[] infos;
    PieChartSelectionChangedEventArgs Selection { get; set; }
    protected override void OnInitialized() {
        infos = GetSessionInfos();
    void OnSelectionChanged(PieChartSelectionChangedEventArgs selectionArgs) {
        Selection = selectionArgs;
    public class SessionInfo {
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public int Total { get; set; }
    public SessionInfo[] GetSessionInfos() {
        SessionInfo[] sales = new SessionInfo[] {
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "China",          Total = 16591},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "United States",  Total = 10286},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "India",          Total = 7978},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "South Korea",    Total = 6118},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "Germany",        Total = 5385},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "Turkey",         Total = 5064},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "Vietnam",        Total = 2804},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "United Kingdom", Total = 2451},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "Italy",          Total = 2130},
            new SessionInfo() { Country = "Brazil",         Total = 2093},
        return sales;
See Also