ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls
This section provides detailed information on how to use DevExpress ASP.NET Web Forms Bootstrap Controls - AJAX controls that are rendered using Bootstrap components.
#Try DevExpress ASP.NET Bootstrap Controls In Your Project
Visit to learn more about this product’s features, capabilities, and pricing options: ASP.NET Web Forms Bootstrap Controls. To try DevExpress controls and libraries in your projects, download our fully-functional 30-day trial version.
#Getting Started
#Controls and Libraries
The following ASP.NET Bootstrap libraries and controls are provided by DevExpress.
- Grid View
- Card View
- Scheduler
- Spreadsheet
- Rich Text Editor
- Charts
- Sparkline
- Data Editors
- Site Navigation
- Site Layout
- File Manager
#What’s New
See the website to review new features and major changes in recent versions of DevExpress .NET Components: