WPF Controls
- 2 minutes to read
This section contains documentation for DevExpress WPF Controls. The topics in this section gives you basic information about DevExpress WPF products and detailed descriptions of each product including its API, common, and specific usage scenarios, step-by-step instructions, and code examples with source code (C# and Visual Basic).
#Try DevExpress WPF UI Controls In Your Project
Visit DevExpress.com to learn more about this product’s features, capabilities, and pricing options: WPF Subscription. To try DevExpress controls and libraries in your projects, download our fully-functional 30-day trial version.
#General Information
#Controls and Libraries
The DevExpress WPF Subscription includes the following WPF libraries and controls:
#Grids and Editors#Data Visualization | #Office-inspired#Reporting and Analytics | #App Navigation and Layout |
#What’s New
See the following pages to review new features and major changes in recent versions of DevExpress .NET components: