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DxFormLayoutItem.Template Property

Specifies a template used to display the layout item.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public RenderFragment<object> Template { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

The template content.


The Template property allows you to specify a custom layout or editor for the layout item.

<DxFormLayout Data="@editFormData">
    @* ... *@
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.Position)" Caption="Position:" ColSpanMd="6">
            <DxComboBox Data="@(new List<string>() { "Sales Representative", "Designer" })"
                        ValueChanged="@((string value) => ((ValueEditContext)context).OnChanged(value))">

@code {
    FormDataItem editFormData = new FormDataItem() {
        Name = "Nancy Davolio",
        BirthDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-30),
        YearsWorked = 3,
        Position = "Sales Representative"

In data-bound mode, each layout item automatically displays a DevExpress data editor based on the target data type.

When you use a Form Layout item’s template, the component is not notified when a user changes data within an item’s custom editor. To inform the Form Layout about the change, call the OnChanged(Object) method when a custom editor’s value is changed. To access a custom editor’s new value, use the Value property.

<DxFormLayout Data="@editFormData"
              ItemUpdating="@((pair) => OnItemUpdating(pair.Key, pair.Value))">
    @* ... *@
    <DxFormLayoutItem Field="@nameof(FormDataItem.Position)" Caption="Position:" ColSpanMd="6">
            <DxComboBox Data="@(new List<string>() { "Sales Representative", "Designer" })"
                        ValueChanged="@((string value) => ((ValueEditContext)context).OnChanged(value))">

@code {
    FormDataItem editFormData = new FormDataItem() {
        Name = "Nancy Davolio",
        BirthDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-30),
        YearsWorked = 3,
        Position = "Sales Representative"

    void OnItemUpdating(string fieldName, object newValue) {
        if (fieldName == nameof(FormDataItem.Name)) {
            editFormData.Name = newValue.ToString();
        } else if (fieldName == nameof(FormDataItem.BirthDate)) {
            editFormData.BirthDate = (DateTime)newValue;
        } else if (fieldName == nameof(FormDataItem.YearsWorked)) {
            editFormData.YearsWorked = (int)newValue;
        } else if (fieldName == nameof(FormDataItem.Position)) {
            editFormData.Position = newValue.ToString();

Form Layout - A value edit context

Run Demo: Form Layout - Bind to Data

When you do not use the CaptionTemplate, you can omit the Template tag to make the page layout code more readable.

    @* These two layouts are equivalent *@
            <DxTextBox Text="This is a TextBox"></DxTextBox>
        <DxTextBox Text="This is a TextBox"></DxTextBox>
See Also