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DxSplitter Class

A component that displays multiple resizable and collapsible panes.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public class DxSplitter :


The DevExpress Splitter for Blazor (<DxSplitter>) divides web page content into multiple resizable and collapsible panes. The component can nest other splitter components to create complex layouts.

Blazor Splitter Overview

Run Demo

Add a Splitter to a Project

Follow the steps below to add a Splitter component to an application:

  1. Use a DevExpress Project Template to create a new Blazor Server or Blazor WebAssembly application. If you use a Microsoft project template or already have a Blazor project, configure your project to incorporate DevExpress Blazor components.
  2. Add the following markup to a .razor file:

            @* ... *@
  3. Populate the Panes collection with panes (DxSplitterPane objects).
  4. Configure other options (see sections below).

.NET 8 and .NET 9 Specifics

You can use the DxSplitter component in static render mode except for pane expand and collapse functionalities.

Orientation and Hierarchical Pane Structure

The Splitter component displays a single-level stack of panels. Use the Orientation property to specify pane stack direction. To create multilevel panes, insert another Splitter component within pane content.

<DxSplitter CssClass="border" Height="200px" Width="950px">
        <DxSplitterPane>Pane 1</DxSplitterPane>
            <DxSplitter Orientation="Orientation.Vertical">
                    <DxSplitterPane>Pane 2-1</DxSplitterPane>
                    <DxSplitterPane>Pane 2-2</DxSplitterPane>
        <DxSplitterPane>Pane 3</DxSplitterPane>

Horizontal and vertical splitters

Pane Size

Use the Size property to specify the width of vertical panes and the height of horizontal panes.

When the AllowResize property is set to true, users can resize the pane. Use MinSize and MaxSize properties to restrict pane size changes.

<DxSplitter CssClass="border"  Width="100%" Height="600px">
        <DxSplitterPane Size="30%" MinSize="100px">@PaneContent1</DxSplitterPane>
        <DxSplitterPane Size="50%" MaxSize="70%">@PaneContent2</DxSplitterPane>

Handle the SizeChanged event to react to pane size changes.

Expand and Collapse Panes

Set a pane’s AllowCollapse property to true to allow users to collapse the pane.

Use the Collapsed property to determine the pane collapse state. When the state changes, the Splitter raises the CollapsedChanged event.

Splitter with collapsible panes

Keyboard Navigation

The DevExpress Blazor Splitter component supports keyboard shortcuts that allow users to access and move splitter separators, expand and collapse panes.

The following shortcut keys are available:

Shortcut Keys Description
Shift + Tab
Moves focus to the next or previous splitter separator or a focusable element inside a pane.
Right Arrow Moves a vertical separator to the right.
Left Arrow Moves a vertical separator to the left.
Down Arrow Moves a horizontal separator down.
Up Arrow Moves a horizontal separator up.
Enter Expands or collapses a pane. If a separator can be collapsed in both directions, collapses to the nearest edge.


If a Blazor application throws unexpected exceptions, refer to the following help topic: Troubleshooting.


See Also