DevExpress.Blazor Namespace
In This Article
Contains classes for DevExpress Blazor components.
Assemblies: DevExpress.Blazor.Resources.v24.2.dll, DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.Blazor.Resources, DevExpress.Blazor
Name | Description |
Accordion |
Stores data for the Before |
Accordion |
Contains data for the Dx |
Accordion |
Contains data about the Accordion item for item-related events. |
Accordion |
Stores information for events related to expansion state changes. |
Accordion |
Contains data for the Selection |
Blazor |
Lists client resource identifiers associated with controls in the DevExpress. |
Button |
Contains data for the Item |
Calendar |
Provides data for the Custom |
Carousel |
Stores information about a Carousel item and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Chart |
Initializes a new Chart |
Chart |
Specifies an individual bubble series point with the typed value and size. |
Chart |
Lists formats applied to axis and series labels. |
Chart |
Specifies an individual point for financial series (Dx |
Chart |
Specifies a financial series point with typed values. |
Chart |
Specifies an individual point for range series (Dx |
Chart |
Specifies an individual range series point with typed values. |
Chart |
Contains data for the Selection |
Chart |
Provides data for the Series |
Chart |
Specifies an individual series point. |
Chart |
Specifies an individual series point. |
Chart |
Provides data for the Customize |
Chart |
Contains extension methods for the Chart |
Chart |
Defines Chart series settings. |
Chart |
Defines Chart series settings. |
Chart |
Specifies the tooltip’s context and stores information about the hovered series point. |
Chart |
Contains data for the Tooltip |
Combo |
Stores information about a column cell in the Combocontext parameter to the Column |
Combo |
Stores information about a column cell in the Combocontext parameter to the Column |
Combo |
Stores information about a Combocontext parameter.
Combo |
Stores information about Combocontext parameter.
Combo |
Stores information about a group header and is passed as the context parameter to the Group |
Combo |
Stores information about a Combocontext parameter.
Combo |
Stores information about a Combocontext parameter.
Common |
Lists client resource identifiers associated with multiple DevExpress packages. |
Compatibility |
Contains an API for compatibility. |
Context |
Provides data for the Item |
Data |
Defines extension methods for the Data |
Date |
Defines built-in patterns for date-time and date-time offset masks. |
Drop |
Provides data for the Drop |
Drop |
Stores information about the processed drop-down box editor and is passed as the context parameter to the Edit |
Drop |
Stores information about editor value and text. |
Drop |
Stores information about the processed drop-down box editor and is passed as the context parameter to Drop |
Drop |
Contains data for the Item |
Drop |
Provides data for the Closed event. |
Drop |
Provides data for the Closing event. |
Drop |
Provides data for the Disposed event. |
Drop |
Provides data for the Initialized event. |
Drop |
Provides data for the Resize |
Drop |
Provides data for the Resize |
Drop |
Provides data for the Showing event. |
Drop |
Provides data for the Shown event. |
Dx |
A side navigation control that can organize items into collapsible groups. |
Dx |
Maps Accordion item properties to data source fields. |
Dx |
Defines an item of the Dx |
Dx |
A component that visualizes data as circular bars where each bar indicates a single value. |
Dx |
Contains settings for Bar Gauge labels. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the Bar Gauge‘s legend. |
Dx |
Contains the element’s border settings. |
Dx |
A button control that supports advanced style and content customization options. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for buttons. |
Dx |
The base class that declares common editor settings for auto-generated editors that contain buttons. |
Dx |
A component that displays a set of buttons. |
Dx |
Defines a button group item in Dx |
Dx |
A monthly calendar that supports multiple date selection. |
Dx |
An interactive component that displays an image collection or custom content in a carousel. |
Dx |
Defines a Carousel item. |
Dx |
A control that visualizes bound data as graphs: bar, area, line, and others. |
Dx |
Contains data aggregation settings. |
Dx |
Defines Chart animation settings. |
Dx |
Defines a chart annotation. |
Dx |
Defines the base API for classes that implement chart annotations. |
Dx |
Defines annotation border settings. |
Dx |
Defines settings for image annotations. |
Dx |
Defines annotation shadow settings. |
Dx |
Defines an area series. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for area-based series. |
Dx |
Defines a chart’s argument axis. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for Dx |
Dx |
Implements the base API for Chart axes. |
Dx |
Defines settings for axis grid lines. |
Dx |
Defines settings for axis labels. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for axis labels in Dx and Dx .
Dx |
Stores the appearance settings of minor axis ticks. |
Dx |
Specifies the axis visual range. |
Dx |
Defines a strip that highlights a range between two axis values. |
Dx |
Defines a strip label. |
Dx |
Stores the appearance settings of major axis ticks. |
Dx |
Defines an axis title. |
Dx |
Defines a bar series. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for bar-based series. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for chart components. |
Dx |
Defines a bubble series. |
Dx |
Defines a candlestick series. |
Dx |
Defines a common series. |
Dx |
Specifies an axis constant line. |
Dx |
Defines the constant line label. |
Dx |
Contains settings for Dx |
Dx |
Defines a horizontal crosshair line. |
Dx |
Defines a crosshair label. |
Dx |
Defines a vertical crosshair line. |
Dx |
Specifies reduction properties for financial series. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for financial series (Dx |
Dx |
Contains the element’s font settings. |
Dx |
Defines a full stacked area series. |
Dx |
Defines a full stacked bar series. |
Dx |
Defines a full stacked line series. |
Dx |
Defines a full stacked spline area series. |
Dx |
Defines a full stacked spline area series. |
Dx |
Defines a chart legend. |
Dx |
Defines a line series. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for line-based series. |
Dx |
Defines a chart pane. |
Dx |
Defines pane border settings. |
Dx |
Defines a range area series. |
Dx |
Defines a range bar series. |
Dx |
The base class for range series. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the scale breaks. |
Dx |
Defines a scatter series. |
Dx |
Specifies settings for the chart’s scrollbar. |
Dx |
A base class that implements the common series functionality. |
Dx |
Defines a series label. |
Dx |
Defines series label border settings. |
Dx |
Provides settings for series label connectors. |
Dx |
Defines an item that indicates a series in the legend. |
Dx |
Contains settings for points of the chart’s line- and area-based series. |
Dx |
Contains image settings for points of the chart’s Line series. |
Dx |
Contains settings for error bars. |
Dx |
Defines a spline area series. |
Dx |
Defines a spline series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked area series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked bar series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked bar series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked line series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked spline area series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked spline series. |
Dx |
Defines a step area series. |
Dx |
Defines a step line series. |
Dx |
Defines a stock bar series. |
Dx |
Defines a subtitle for a chart or legend. |
Dx |
Defines a title for a chart or legend. |
Dx |
Contains settings for tooltips. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the value axis. |
Dx |
Obsolete. Contains settings for the scale breaks. |
Dx |
Implements the base API for series on a Cartesian plane. |
Dx |
Defines style settings for the drag box that appears when a user selects a chart area for zooming. |
Dx |
Configures zoom and pan settings. |
Dx |
A check box control that allows users to toggle between two or three states. |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated checkbox editor. |
Dx |
A Color Palette component that allows users to select colors. |
Dx |
Defines the Color Palette‘s color group. |
Dx |
Defines the Color Palette‘s predefined sets of colors. |
Dx |
A text editor that allows users to select predefined items from the drop-down list or type custom values. |
Dx |
A button that invokes a drop-down menu (can be added to the Dx |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated combo box editor. |
Dx |
A context menu component. |
Dx |
Maps Context Menu item properties to data source fields. |
Dx |
Defines an item in the Context Menu component. |
Dx |
A date editor with a drop-down calendar. |
Dx |
A button that invokes a drop-down calendar (can be added to the Dx |
Dx |
Contains auto-generated date editor settings. |
Dx |
Defines Date |
Dx |
A component that allows you to select date ranges. |
Dx |
Defines date-time mask settings. |
Dx |
Defines date-time offset mask settings. |
Dx |
A component that allows you to create and show dialogs in code and contains common dialog settings. |
Dx |
A side panel that supports minimized layout and expand/collapse operations. |
Dx |
A control that displays a drop-down window with custom content. |
Dx |
An editor with a drop-down window. |
Dx |
A button that invokes the drop-down window in the Dx |
Dx |
A toggleable button that reveals a drop-down element with a list of commands or custom content. |
Dx |
Contains the base API for classes that implement drop-down buttons. |
Dx |
Defines a drop-down list item. Used in Dx |
Dx |
The base class that declares common editor settings for auto-generated editors that contain a drop-down window. |
Dx |
A custom button displayed in an editor. |
Dx |
The base class that declares common editor settings for auto-generated editors. |
Dx |
Stores an appointment’s Custom |
Dx |
Contains the target component’s export and print settings. |
Dx |
A component that allows you to access the contents of selected files directly in razor code. |
Dx |
A contextual popup UI element that allows you to display hints, warnings, and other messages. |
Dx |
Contains the element’s font settings. |
Dx |
A control container that allows you to create responsive data edit forms. |
Dx |
Specifies a container for layout items, tabs, and other layout groups. |
Dx |
Specifies a layout container that displays a nested control. |
Dx |
A component that implements a tabbed layout group. |
Dx |
A container for tabbed layout groups. |
Dx |
Contains animation settings. |
Dx |
Contains geometry settings for the gauge arc. |
Dx |
A component that displays data in a tabular format and allows users to edit, sort, group, filter, and otherwise shape data. |
Dx |
A band column that joins regular Dx |
Dx |
A base class for Grid columns. |
Dx |
A command column. |
Dx |
A Dx |
Dx |
A container that arranges its items into rows and columns. |
Dx |
A column in a Dx |
Dx |
An item in a Dx |
Dx |
A row in a Dx |
Dx |
A selection column. |
Dx |
A summary item. |
Dx |
Contains element hatch pattern appearance settings. |
Dx |
A WYSIWYG text editor. |
Dx |
Defines a mention list. |
Dx |
Contains a collection of mention lists. |
Dx |
Contains placeholder variables and related settings. |
Dx |
The input box component that can be added to the Dx |
Dx |
A component that allows you to adapt page layout to different window sizes. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the legend subtitle. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the legend title. |
Dx |
A component that can connect to a data source and display a list of selectable items. |
Dx |
A multi-column editor’s column. |
Dx |
A loading panel component that can display an overlay over components/containers. |
Dx |
An interactive component that displays a geographic map with markers and routes. |
Dx |
Allows you to specify keys for map data providers. |
Dx |
Defines location that is displayed at the component’s center. |
Dx |
Contains a map marker’s settings. |
Dx |
Defines a marker location’s settings. |
Dx |
Contains a collection of map markers. |
Dx |
Contains settings of a marker tooltip. |
Dx |
Contains a route’s settings. |
Dx |
Defines a location’s settings. |
Dx |
Contains a collection of route locations. |
Dx |
Contains a collection of routes shown on the map. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the element’s margins. |
Dx |
A text editor supports text, numeric, date-time, and regular expression masks. |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated masked input editor. |
Dx |
A multi-line text editor. |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated memo. |
Dx |
An adaptive menu component. |
Dx |
Maps Menu item properties to data source fields. |
Dx |
Defines an item of the Dx |
Dx |
A message box intended for use as an alert or confirmation dialog. |
Dx |
Defines properties for Numeric masks. |
Dx |
A data navigation component that indicates the current position within the bound data source and allows quick access to a different data page. |
Dx |
A control that visualizes data as Pie and Donut charts. |
Dx |
Defines a piechart annotation. |
Dx |
Defines a pie or donut series. |
Dx |
Defines the base API for classes that implement a pivot grid component. |
Dx |
An Excel-inspired pivot table component engineered for multi-dimensional data analysis and cross-tab reporting. |
Dx |
Enables you to link the Dx |
Dx |
A Pivot Grid field. |
Dx |
A control that visualizes bound data as graphs in polar coordinates. |
Dx |
Defines an area series. |
Dx |
Defines a Polar Chart’s argument axis. |
Dx |
Defines settings for axis labels. |
Dx |
Defines a bar series. |
Dx |
Contains the base API for classes that implement series. |
Dx |
Defines a line series. |
Dx |
Defines a scatter series. |
Dx |
Defines a stacked bar series. |
Dx |
Defines a Polar Chart’s value axis. |
Dx |
A modal popup window with custom content that overlays the current view. |
Dx |
Defines the base API for classes that implement popup windows. |
Dx |
A progress bar component. |
Dx |
An individual radio button that allows you to build radio groups with a custom item layout. |
Dx |
A component that generates a radio button group based on a bound collection. |
Dx |
An interactive component that visualizes data on a linear scale and allows users to select a value range. |
Dx |
Contains the Range Selector’s background settings. |
Dx |
Defines a nested chart component in Dx |
Dx |
Defines a value axis in the Range Selector’s Dx |
Dx |
Contains indent settings for the Dx |
Dx |
Defines a Range Selector scale. |
Dx |
Contains settings for scale labels. |
Dx |
Contains settings for scale markers. |
Dx |
Contains settings for scale marker labels. |
Dx |
Contains settings for minor scale ticks. |
Dx |
Contains appearance settings for major scale ticks. |
Dx |
Contains color settings for the Range Selector‘s shutters. |
Dx |
Contains appearance settings for slider handles. |
Dx |
Contains settings for slider markers. |
Dx |
Defines properties for Regular Expression masks. |
Dx |
Identifies a client resource in the Resource Manager. |
Dx |
Contains methods that allow you to register DevExpress client resources and/or custom scripts. |
Dx |
A toolbar component that organizes command items into tabs and groups. |
Dx |
Defines the ribbon application tab. |
Dx |
Defines an item displayed in the ribbon application menu. |
Dx |
Defines the color palette item’s color group. |
Dx |
A ribbon item that displays a color palette. |
Dx |
A ribbon item that displays a combo box editor. |
Dx |
Defines a group in the Dx |
Dx |
A ribbon item that displays a button or drop-down button. |
Dx |
A ribbon item that displays a spin editor. |
Dx |
Defines a tab in the Dx |
Dx |
A component that depicts value flow between two entity sets. |
Dx |
Contains hover style settings for the Dx |
Dx |
Contains settings for Dx |
Dx |
Contains settings for Dx |
Dx |
Contains settings for Dx |
Dx |
A calendar and scheduler component that displays a detailed snapshot of events/appointments in your web application across a single day, a week, or a month. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the All day toggle switch in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The scheduled event displayed in the Scheduler’s view. |
Dx |
A label used to categorize appointments in the Scheduler. |
Dx |
Maps the label’s properties to the data source fields. |
Dx |
Specifies how appointment fields from the data source are mapped to appointment properties in the Scheduler. |
Dx |
An appointment’s availability status. |
Dx |
Specifies how status fields from the data source are mapped to appointment properties in the Scheduler. |
Dx |
Context for Horizontal |
Dx |
A button that closes an appointment form. |
Dx |
A button that closes the form with recurrence settings. |
Dx |
Specifies how a source object’s custom fields are mapped to custom properties of a scheduler item (appointment, label, or status). |
Dx |
The layout item with custom content for the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
A storage that supplies data for the Scheduler control. |
Dx |
Stores the collection of Dx |
Dx |
A calendar view that displays one day or multiple dates. |
Dx |
A button that allows users to delete an appointment. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Description field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
A button that discards changes in an appointment. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the End field’s date part in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the End field’s time part in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the End field’s time part in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Label field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Location field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
Maps a data source object’s field to a Scheduler item’s property. |
Dx |
A calendar view that displays one month or multiple months. |
Dx |
Contains recurrence information about an appointment. |
Dx |
Specifies common settings for recurrent appointments. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Repeat field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Resource field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
A collection of resource identifiers. |
Dx |
An appointment’s resource. |
Dx |
Maps the resource’s properties to the data source fields. |
Dx |
A button that restores occurrence for a recurring appointment. |
Dx |
A button that users can click to save appointment changes. |
Dx |
A button that invokes an appointment’s compact edit form. |
Dx |
A button that invokes an appointment’s extended edit form. |
Dx |
A base class for scheduler items that are bound to a data source object. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Start field’s date part in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Start field’s time part in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Start field’s time part in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Status field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
The layout item that displays the Subject field in the appointment edit form. |
Dx |
A calendar view that displays appointments as horizontal bars along timescales. |
Dx |
A timescale displayed at the top of the Timeline view. |
Dx |
A time interval within a day. |
Dx |
A calendar view that displays the entire week including non-working days. |
Dx |
A calendar view that displays a work week. |
Dx |
A single-line editor that allows users to input text and search for it in your application. |
Dx |
Contains settings for the element’s shadows. |
Dx |
A component that visualizes value trends as an inline graph. |
Dx |
Spin buttons that allow you to increase and decrease a value (can be added to the Dx |
Dx |
An editor with spin buttons that allow users to increment/decrement numeric values. |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated spin editor. |
Dx |
A composite control that consists of a primary button and a toggleable secondary button that reveals a drop-down element. |
Dx |
A component that displays multiple resizable and collapsible panes. |
Dx |
Defines a pane in the Dx |
Dx |
A container that stacks its items horizontally or vertically. |
Dx |
An item in a Dx |
Dx |
Contains subtitle settings. |
Dx |
A tab without content within a Tabs component. |
Dx |
A tab with content within a Tabs component. |
Dx |
A container that displays content within tabbed pages. |
Dx |
An editor that allows users to select multiple items (tags) from the drop-down list. |
Dx |
A single-line text editor. |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated text box editor. |
Dx |
The base class that declares common editor settings for auto-generated editors with support for text input. |
Dx |
Contains the element’s format settings. |
Dx |
Defines properties for Text masks. |
Dx |
A time editor with a drop-down time picker. |
Dx |
A button that invokes a drop-down time picker (can be added to the Dx |
Dx |
Contains settings of an auto-generated time editor. |
Dx |
Defines Time |
Dx |
Defines time span mask settings. |
Dx |
Contains title settings. |
Dx |
A pop-up notification message. |
Dx |
A component that displays toast notifications. |
Dx |
A toolbar control that implements an adaptive button-based interface. |
Dx |
Maps Toolbar item properties to data source fields. |
Dx |
Defines an item of the Toolbar component. |
Dx |
Contains tooltip settings. |
Dx |
A component that displays hierarchical data in a tabular format and allows users to edit, sort, filter, and otherwise shape data. |
Dx |
A band column that joins regular Dx |
Dx |
A base class for Tree |
Dx |
A command column. |
Dx |
Dx |
Dx |
A selection column. |
Dx |
A summary item. |
Dx |
A navigation control that displays items as a tree. |
Dx |
Maps Tree |
Dx |
Defines a node in the Tree |
Dx |
A control that allows users to upload files to a web server. |
Dx |
A loading indicator component that can be embedded into other UI components. |
Dx |
A non-modal window with custom content. |
File |
The File |
Files |
Contains data for the Files |
File |
Provides data for the File |
File |
Provides data for the upload events. |
File |
Provides data for the File |
Flyout |
Provides data for the Closed event. |
Flyout |
Provides data for the Closing event. |
Flyout |
Provides data for the Created event. |
Flyout |
Provides data for the Disposed event. |
Flyout |
Provides data for the Showing event. |
Flyout |
Provides data for the Shown event. |
Grid |
Obsolete. The class is obsolete. |
Grid |
Obsolete. The class is obsolete. |
Grid |
Stores information about a footer cell in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about a group footer cell in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about a column header’s caption and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about a command column cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the command column’s edit cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the command column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the command column header and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Contains options that define how the Grid exports its content in CSV format. |
Grid |
Allows you to bind Dx |
Grid |
Contains data for the Grid |
Grid |
Contains data for the Exception |
Grid |
Contains information about applied groping criterion. |
Grid |
Contains information about the group. |
Grid |
Contains data for the Grid |
Grid |
Contains data for the Grid |
Grid |
Contains data for the Grid and Grid methods.
Grid |
Contains information about sort settings. |
Grid |
Contains information about a summary to be calculated. |
Grid |
Contains data for Grid |
Grid |
Contains data for Grid |
Grid |
Contains data for the Custom |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Provides data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Contains data for the Custom |
Grid |
Contains data for the Custom |
Grid |
Stores information about a data column cell in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the data column’s edit cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about a data column and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the data column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about a group row in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Contains data for the Data |
Grid |
Stores information about a Grid detail row and is passed as the context parameter to the Detail |
Grid |
Allows you to bind Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the Grid component. Serves as the context parameter in Drag |
Grid |
Contains data for the Edit |
Grid |
Stores information about the edit form in the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Contains data for the Edit |
Grid |
Contains data for the Edit |
Grid |
Stores information about the Grid and is passed as the context parameter to the Grid. |
Grid |
Contains data for the Customize |
Grid |
Provides data for the Customize |
Grid |
Provides data for the Customize |
Grid |
Provides data for the Customize |
Grid |
The base class for the Grid |
Grid |
Stores data for the Filter |
Grid |
Defines an item in the column filter menu. |
Grid |
Contains data for the Focused |
Grid |
Stores information for the Items |
Grid |
Contains information about a Dx |
Grid |
A collection of objects that store information about Dx |
Grid |
Contains information about layout settings for columns. |
Grid |
Provides data for the Layout |
Grid |
Contains data for the Row |
Grid |
Contains data for the Row |
Grid |
Stores information about the search box and is passed as the context parameter to the Search |
Grid |
Stores information about a selection column cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the selection column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the selection column header and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Grid |
Stores information about the Grid component. Serves as the context parameter in Toolbar |
Grid |
Contains data for the Unbound |
Grid |
Contains options that define how a document is exported to XLS and XLSX. |
Html |
Contains names of all groups in the built-in toolbar. |
Html |
Contains names of built-in toolbar items. |
List |
Stores information about a column cell in list editors and is passed as the context parameter to the Column |
List |
Stores information about a column cell in the List Box and is passed as the context parameter to the Column |
List |
The base class for list editors’ *Template classes.
List |
Stores information about List Box data and is passed as the context parameter to the Empty |
List |
Stores data for the Filter |
List |
Stores information about a group header and is passed as the context parameter to the Group |
List |
Stores information about a List Box item. The Itemcontext parameter.
List |
Stores information about a List Box item. The Itemcontext parameter.
Map |
Contains data for the Map |
Map |
Contains data for the Marker |
Menu |
Provides data for the Click event. |
Menu |
Provides data for menu item events. |
Message |
Defines options for a message box. |
Numeric |
Defines built-in patterns for Numeric masks. |
Pie |
Contains data for the Selection |
Pie |
Provides data for the Series |
Polar |
Contains data for the Selection |
Polar |
Contains data for the Series |
Popup |
Contains data for the Closed event. |
Popup |
Contains data for the Closing event. |
Popup |
Contains data for the Created event. |
Popup |
Contains data for the Disposed event. |
Popup |
Contains data for the Drag |
Popup |
Contains data for the Drag |
Popup |
Contains data for the Resize |
Popup |
Contains data for the Resize |
Popup |
Contains data for the Showing event. |
Popup |
Contains data for the Shown event. |
Range |
Contains data for the Value |
Resources |
Contains members that allow you to manage the Resource Manager’s script collection. |
Ribbon |
Contains data for the Click event.
Sankey |
Contains data for the Link |
Sankey |
Contains information about a Dx |
Sankey |
Contains information about a Dx |
Sankey |
Contains data for the Node |
Sankey |
Contains information about a Dx |
Scheduler |
Contains data for the Appointment |
Scheduler |
Provides data for the Appointment |
Scheduler |
Provides data for the Appointment |
Scheduler |
Stores information about the appointment edit form. |
Scheduler |
Provides data for Scheduler events related to appointment operations. |
Scheduler |
Contains data for the Appointment |
Scheduler |
Stores information about the appointment tooltip. |
Scheduler |
Contains data for the Appointment |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a color that corresponds to an appointment’s setting (label, status item, or resource). |
Scheduler |
Contains static properties used to ensure backward compatibility. |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a Scheduler’s header cell that displays a date. |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a Scheduler header cell that displays a day of the week. |
Scheduler |
Contains data for the Html |
Scheduler |
Stores information about the Scheduler’s Recurrence form. |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a resource header cell in the Scheduler. |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a time cell in the Scheduler. |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a header cell in the Scheduler. |
Scheduler |
Stores information about a Scheduler’s view. |
Selected |
Contains data for the Dx |
Selected |
Contains data for Dx |
Selection |
Contains data for Dx |
Tab |
Contains data for the Dx |
Tab |
Contains data for the Tab |
Tab |
Contains data for the Tab |
Tag |
Stores information about a column cell in the Tagcontext parameter to the Column |
Tag |
Stores information about a current data item. The Editcontext parameter.
Tag |
Stores information about Tagcontext parameter.
Tag |
Stores information about a group header and is passed as the context parameter to the Group |
Tag |
Stores information about a data item. The Itemcontext parameter.
Tag |
Stores information about Tagcontext parameter.
Time |
Defines built-in patterns for time span masks. |
Toast |
Defines options for a toast notification. |
Toolbar |
Provides data for the Toolbar’s Item |
Tree |
Stores data for the Children |
Tree |
Stores data for the Children |
Tree |
Stores information about a footer cell in the Treecontext parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about a column header’s caption and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about a command column cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the command column’s edit cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the command column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the command column header and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Contains options that define how the Tree |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Provides data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Custom |
Tree |
Contains data for the Custom |
Tree |
Stores information about a data column cell in the Treecontext parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the data column’s edit cell and is passed as the context parameter to Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about a data column and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the data column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Contains data for the Data |
Tree |
Stores information about the Treecontext parameter in Drag |
Tree |
Contains data for the Edit |
Tree |
Stores information about the edit form in the Treecontext parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Contains data for the Edit |
Tree |
Contains data for the Edit |
Tree |
Stores information about the Tree |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for the Customize |
Tree |
Contains data for Customize |
Tree |
The base class for the Tree |
Tree |
A base class for Tree |
Tree |
Stores data for the Filter |
Tree |
Defines an item in the column filter menu. |
Tree |
Contains data for the Focused |
Tree |
Stores information for the Items |
Tree |
Contains information about a Tree |
Tree |
A collection of objects that store information about Tree |
Tree |
Contains information about layout settings for columns. |
Tree |
Contains data for Layout |
Tree |
Contains data for Row |
Tree |
Contains data for the Row |
Tree |
Stores information about a selection column cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the selection column’s filter row cell and is passed as the context parameter to the Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the selection column header and is passed as the context parameter to Dx |
Tree |
Stores information about the Treecontext parameter in Toolbar |
Tree |
Contains options that define how a document is exported to XLS and XLSX files. |
Tree |
Contains data for the Checked |
Tree |
Provides data for the Before |
Tree |
Contains data for the Dx |
Tree |
Provides data for the After |
Upload |
Provides information about a file. |
Upload |
Provides information about an HTTP request. |
Value |
Provides access to information related to a Form Layout item’s template. |
Window |
Contains data for the Closed event. |
Window |
Contains data for the Closing event. |
Window |
Contains data for the Created event. |
Window |
Contains data for the Disposed event. |
Window |
Contains data for the Drag |
Window |
Contains data for the Drag |
Window |
Contains data for the Resize |
Window |
Contains data for the Resize |
Window |
Contains data for the Showing event. |
Window |
Contains data for the Shown event. |
Name | Description |
IAccordion |
Contains information about an Accordion item. |
IButton |
Declares common editor settings for editors that contain buttons. |
IButton |
Contains information about a Dx |
IChart |
A base interface that defines a Chart data item. |
IChart |
Contains the element’s font settings. |
IChart |
Implements the chart series settings. |
IChart |
Implements the base API for chart series. |
IChart |
Defines a point’s label settings. |
IChart |
Contains label border settings. |
IChart |
Defines a label’s connector settings. |
IChart |
Defines a point’s appearance settings. |
IChart |
Defines a point’s image settings. |
ICheck |
Declares check box settings. |
ICombo |
An interface that defines the Dx |
ICombo |
Declares combo box settings. |
IContext |
Provides information about a Context Menu item. |
IDate |
Declares date edit settings. |
IDialog |
Allows you to create and show dialogs in code. |
IDrop |
An interface that defines the Dx |
IDrop |
Contains information about a Dx |
IDrop |
Declares common editor settings for editors that contain a drop-down window. |
IDrop |
An interface that defines the Dx |
IEditor |
A base interface for DevExpress Blazor editors. |
IEdit |
Declares common editor settings. |
IFile |
Contains information about the file and allows you to access file content. |
IForm |
Contains information about a Form |
IGrid |
An interface that defines the Dx |
IGrid |
A band column that joins regular Dx |
IGrid |
An interface that defines a Grid column’s API members (properties and methods). |
IGrid |
An interface that defines a Grid command column‘s API members (properties and methods). |
IGrid |
An interface that defines a Grid data column‘s API members (properties and methods). |
IGrid |
Allows you to track selection changes in the Grid. |
IGrid |
An interface that defines a Grid selection column‘s API members (properties and methods). |
IGrid |
An interface that defines a Grid summary item‘s API members (properties and methods). |
IList |
An interface that defines the Dx |
IList |
A base interface for DevExpress Blazor list editors: Dx |
IList |
An interface that defines a List Box column’s API members (properties and methods). |
IMap |
Defines a map location settings. |
IMap |
Defines a map marker’s settings. |
IMasked |
Declares masked input settings. |
IMemo |
Declares memo settings. |
IMenu |
Contains information about a menu item. |
IPie |
Implements settings of a pie or donut series. |
IPolar |
Implements settings of a Polar Chart’s series. |
IPopup |
Contains information about a popup element. |
IScheduler |
Contains information about actions that can be performed on Scheduler appointments. |
IScheduler |
A base interface that defines recurrence information. |
ISpin |
Defines spin editor settings. |
ITab |
Contains information about a tab. |
ITag |
An interface that defines the Dx |
IText |
Defines settings of a text box editor. |
IText |
Declares common settings for editors with support for text input. |
ITime |
Declares time edit settings. |
IToast |
Allows you to manage toast notifications in code. |
IToolbar |
Provides information about a Toolbar item. |
ITree |
An interface that defines Dx |
ITree |
A band column that joins regular Dx |
ITree |
An interface that defines a Tree |
ITree |
An interface that defines a Tree |
ITree |
An interface that defines a Tree |
ITree |
Allows you to track selection changes in the Tree |
ITree |
An interface that defines a Tree |
ITree |
A summary item. |
ITree |
Provides information about a node. |
Name | Description |
Chart |
Contains options to specify tick intervals. |
Dialog |
Contains display options for a dialog. |
Dx |
The date-time range used in the Scheduler. |
Navigation |
Contains information about the filter. |
Name | Description |
Accordion |
Lists values that specify where the Accordion component displays its expand button. |
Accordion |
Lists actions that can expand or collapse an Accordion item. |
Accordion |
Lists values that specify how many Accordion items can be expanded at a time. |
Animation |
Lists animation easing modes. |
Bind |
Lists values that specify when the editor updates its value or text. |
Bootstrap |
Lists values that specify the Bootstrap version. |
Button |
Lists values that specify when a button raises the Click event. |
Button |
Lists values that specify how many items can be selected in the Dx |
Button |
Lists values that specify the icon’s position within the button. |
Button |
Lists the button’s color schemes. |
Button |
Lists the button’s color fill modes. |
Caption |
Lists values that specify the caption position. |
Carousel |
Lists display modes for the Carousel‘s navigation controls (buttons or pager). |
Carousel |
Lists image size modes. |
Carousel |
Chart |
Lists values that specify where to display aggregated series points relative to axis tick marks. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how to aggregate series points. |
Chart |
Lists annotation types. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify next to which edge the Chart should display an axis. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify whether and how to cast the chart’s arguments and values. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how the chart displays axis labels. |
Chart |
Obsolete. Lists formats applied to axis and series labels. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how a chart displays axis labels if they overlap. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify the chart’s axis types. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify whether to enable zoom and pan for the chart. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify which series elements to highlight when a user hovers over the series. |
Chart |
Lists selection modes for continuous series (for example, lines). |
Chart |
Specifies line styles. |
Chart |
Lists rules that specify how to position grid lines and ticks relative to axis labels. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify the key that allows users to pan the chart when the Allow |
Chart |
Lists file formats to which a chart can be exported. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify which prices of a stock should be compared. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how a chart displays point labels if they overlap. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify what series elements to highlight when a corresponding item in the legend is hovered over. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how to extend the chart palette when the number of colors is less than the number of series (for Dx |
Chart |
Lists marker kinds for line and scatter series. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify the scrollbar’s position. |
Chart |
Lists chart selection modes. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify which series elements to highlight when a user hovers over a series point. |
Chart |
Lists selection modes for series points. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify a chart series type. |
Chart |
Lists horizontal alignment options for axis strip labels. |
Chart |
Lists vertical alignment options for axis strip labels. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how a chart displays text if it overflows the content area. |
Chart |
Lists error bar display modes. |
Chart |
Lists algorithms that calculate error bar values. |
Chart |
Lists update modes for the axis visual range. |
Chart |
Lists values that specify how text is wrapped. |
Check |
Lists values that define alignment of a Check |
Check |
Lists values that specify checkbox types. |
Color |
Lists types of predefined color sets. |
Color |
Lists values that specify the type of values in the data source field mapped to the Color property.
Combo |
Lists values that define which Combo |
Compatibility |
Lists values that specify the compatibility settings version. |
Context |
Lists base positions of the context menu in relation to the target UI element. |
Data |
Lists values that specify when the clear button is visible. |
Data |
Lists data export formats. |
Data |
Lists values that specify the filtering mode. |
Date |
Lists values that specify datepicker types. |
Device |
Lists values that specify a device screen size. |
Drawer |
List values that specify how the drawer panel interacts with the target content area. |
Drawer |
Lists values that specify the drawer panel position relative to the target content area. |
Drop |
Lists values that specify how a Drop |
Drop |
Lists actions that close a drop-down window. |
Drop |
Lists values that specify the direction in which a drop-down window is displayed relative to an editor’s input element. |
Drop |
Lists values that specify how a drop-down item displays a menu. |
Drop |
Lists a drop-down element’s relative positions. |
Drop |
Lists values used to position a drop-down window. |
Drop |
Lists values that specify an element that restricts the Drop |
Drop |
Lists drop-down toggle positions. |
Drop |
Lists values that specify when the Combo |
Drop |
Lists values that specify the width of a drop-down list. |
Editor |
Lists values that specify the editor button’s position. |
Flyout |
Lists values that specify the animation type used by a flyout. |
Flyout |
Lists values that specify how a flyout behaves when it does not meet the position restrictions. |
Flyout |
Lists actions that close a flyout window. |
Flyout |
Lists values used to position a flyout window. |
Flyout |
Lists values that specify an element that restricts the Flyout position. |
Form |
Lists the values for Form |
Grid |
Lists values that specify allowed drag-and-drop targets. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how to filter grid data. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify column behavior when a user scrolls the Grid horizontally. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how to group data rows. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify whether and how users can resize Grid columns. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how to sort grid data. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify a column’s sort order. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify possible stages of the summary calculation. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify when to display master-detail expand buttons in the Grid. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify when to display detail rows in the Grid. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify the drop position behavior. Applicable only to drag and drop operations initiated externally. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how users edit Grid data. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify the position of Grid UI elements used to create new rows. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how the Grid component renders editors in the filter row and in data rows during edit operations. |
Grid |
Lists values that define a Grid element’s type. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify when to display column filter menu buttons in the Grid. |
Grid |
Lists operator types used to create filter conditions in the Grid. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify the footer’s display modes. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how the grid exports group rows. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify display modes for group footers. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify where rows were dropped relative to the target item. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify the pager position in the Grid. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify the column type. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how the grid treats search words. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify whether the Select All checkbox selects all rows on the current page or on all grid pages. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify selection modes in the Grid. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify the aggregation function of a summary item. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify how text in a cell or header is aligned. |
Grid |
Lists values that specify possible data types of unbound columns. |
Group |
Lists values that specify where the Form Layout group displays its expand button. |
Hatch |
Lists values that specify how the target component displays hatch lines. |
Horizontal |
Lists the horizontal alignment options. |
Horizontal |
Lists the positions for the value axis. |
Html |
Lists update modes for the HTML Editor’s markup. |
Html |
Lists validation message positions relative to the HTML Editor. |
Input |
Lists input devices. |
Item |
Lists the rules that specify how paddings are calculated within the Form Layout component. |
Item |
Lists values that specify the position of an individual menu item or all items. |
Label |
Lists values that specify how the component resolves label overlap. |
Label |
Lists values that specify the horizontal position of the component’s child content relative to the check/clickable mark. |
Label |
Lists values that specify how the Check |
Layout |
Lists values that specify animation effects that can be applied to Accordion items, Tree |
Legend |
Lists orientation options for legend items. |
Legend |
Lists positions of legend item captions relative to item markers. |
Line |
Lists line styles. |
List |
Lists the values that specify the selection behavior for a list editor. |
List |
Lists values that specify how list-based editors render their item lists. |
List |
Lists values that specify the search and filter condition. |
List |
Lists values that specify whether the component can search for text that users type in the edit box. |
List |
Lists values that specify how the List Box treats search words. |
Loading |
Lists values that specify where the Loading Panel’s text appears relative to its indicator. |
Map |
Lists map data providers. |
Map |
Lists values that specify a transportation mode for a route. |
Map |
Lists map view types. |
Mask |
Lists automatic value completion modes. |
Mask |
Lists caret navigation modes for date-time, date-time offset, and time span masks. |
Mask |
Lists mask modes. |
Memo |
Lists values that define how users can resize the Memo component. |
Menu |
Lists values that specify whether the menu hides root items’ text and displays icons instead when the width of the browser window changes. |
Menu |
Lists value that specify how the menu is displayed on different devices. |
Menu |
Lists values that specify which action opens a menu item’s submenu. |
Menu |
Lists values that specify the hamburger button’s position. |
Message |
Lists color schemes used by the Dx |
Message |
Lists Dx |
Message |
Lists values that specify a message box type: alert or confirmation. |
Navigation |
Lists values that specify the filter option in the Tree |
Navigation |
Lists values that specify why the item’s expand or selection state changes. |
Navigation |
Lists values that specify selection options in the Accordion component. |
Navigation |
Lists values that specify how navigation components synchronize automatic item selection and the current browser URL. |
Orientation | Specifies vertical or horizontal orientation. |
Pager |
Lists values that specify navigation modes for the Pager and Grid components. |
Palette |
Lists extension modes for the component’s palette. |
Pie |
Specifies annotation position relative to the argument. |
Pie |
Lists values that specify how a Pie Chart displays labels if they overlap. |
Pie |
Lists values that specify how the chart arranges series slices. |
Pie |
Lists values that specify what series elements to highlight when a user hovers a series point in a Pie Chart over. |
Pivot |
Lists the values that specify the areas where the pivot grid fields can be displayed. |
Pivot |
Contains values that specify how the values of a column or row field are combined into groups. |
Pivot |
Lists the values that specify the sort order of pivot grid fields. |
Pivot |
Lists values that specify the summary function types. |
Polar |
Lists values that specify how the Polar Chart resolves label overlap. |
Popup |
Lists actions that close the Popup. |
Progress |
Lists values that specify a position of the label relative to the progress bar. |
Progress |
Lists values that specify progress bar status. |
Progress |
Lists values that specify a progress bar’s types. |
Radio |
Lists values that specify how to arrange Radio Group items. |
Range |
Lists image positions relative to the Range Selector’s background area. |
Range |
Lists values that specify how the Range Selector resolves scale label overlap. |
Range |
Lists user actions that cause selected range updates. |
Relative |
Lists an element’s relative positions. |
Sankey |
Lists values that specify how Dx |
Sankey |
Lists color modes for Dx |
Scheduler |
Lists values that specify which appointment form a user can use to create and edit appointments. |
Scheduler |
Lists values that specify the appointment form type. |
Scheduler |
Lists the types of appointment. |
Scheduler |
Lists values that specify types of Scheduler cells. |
Scheduler |
Lists the values that specify how the Scheduler appointments are grouped. |
Scheduler |
Lists values that determine how a range’s end date is specified. |
Scheduler |
Lists values that specify how often an appointment reoccurs. |
Scheduler |
Lists values that specify how appointments snap to time cells. |
Scheduler |
Lists the values for Scheduler’s time indicator modes. |
Scheduler |
Lists the values that specify the measurement unit for the Timeline view. |
Scheduler |
Lists view types for a scheduler. |
Scheduler |
Lists days and groups of days. |
Scheduler |
Lists weeks in a month in which appointments can occur. |
Selection |
Lists values that specify the selection change source. |
Size |
Lists values that define size modes. |
Sparkline |
Lists sparkline series types. |
Tab |
Lists actions that close the tab. |
Tabs |
Lists values that specify where tab headers appear relative to content. |
Tabs |
Lists values that specify how the Dx |
Tabs |
Lists values that specify how users navigate between tabs when they do not fit the container’s width. |
Tag |
Lists values that define how a Tag |
Text |
Lists text formats. |
Text |
Lists values that specify how to display text that overflows the content area. |
Time |
Lists values that specify whether a time span mask‘s section should accept values that exceed the section’s maximum threshold. |
Time |
Lists sections for time span masks. |
Time |
Lists values that specify actions the editor should perform after a user selects all content of a time span mask and starts to enter digits. |
Toast |
Lists values that specify the animation effect used by the Dx |
Toast |
Lists color schemes used by the Dx |
Toast |
Lists Dx |
Toolbar |
Lists values that define the Toolbar item’s position. |
Toolbar |
Lists the Toolbar item’s render style modes. |
Toolbar |
Lists the Toolbar’s render style modes. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify allowed drag-and-drop targets. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify column behavior when a user scrolls the Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify whether and how users can resize Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify how to sort data. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify a column’s sort order. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify possible stages of the summary calculation. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify the drop position behavior. Applicable only to drag and drop operations initiated externally. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify how users edit Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify the position of Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that define a Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify how many Treelist nodes can be expanded in the exported document. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify when to display column filter menu buttons in the Tree |
Tree |
Lists operator types used to create filter conditions in the Tree |
Tree |
List values that specify how the Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify footer display modes. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify where rows were dropped relative to the target item. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify the pager position in the Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify the column type. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify whether the Select All checkbox selects all rows on the current page or on all Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify selection modes in the Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify the aggregation function of a summary item. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify text alignment in a cell or header. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify check options in the Tree |
Tree |
Lists values that specify why the node’s check state changes. |
Tree |
Lists values that specify user actions that expand/collapse Tree |
Upload |
Lists values that define how the Upload component uploads files to the server. |
Vertical |
Lists the vertical alignment options. |
Vertical |
Lists vertical alignment options. |
Wait |
Lists values that specify animation types that can be applied to the Wait Indicator component and the Loading Panel’s indicator. |
Week |
Lists values that specify the first week of the year. |
Window |
Lists actions that close the Window. |
Word |
Lists values that specify how the element’s text is wrapped. |