DxTreeList Members
A component that displays hierarchical data in tabular format and allows users to edit, sort, filter, and otherwise shape the data.Constructors
Name | Description |
DxTreeList() | Initializes a new instance of the DxTreeList class. |
Name | Description |
AllowColumnReorder | Specifies whether users can reorder columns. |
AllowDragRows | Specifies whether users can start the row drag operation. |
AllowedDropTarget | Specifies allowed drag-and-drop targets. |
AllowSelectRowByClick | Specifies whether users can select and deselect rows by mouse clicks, tap gestures, and keyboard shortcuts. |
AllowSort | Specifies whether users can sort treelist data. |
Attributes | Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the TreeList. |
AutoExpandAllNodes | Specifies whether to automatically expand all nodes when the TreeList loads data. |
ChildrenFieldName | Specifies the field name that stores the node’s child data items. |
ColumnCaptionAlignment | Specifies the alignment of all column captions. |
ColumnFooterTemplate | Specifies a common template used to display all footer cells in the TreeList. |
ColumnHeaderCaptionTemplate | Specifies a common template used to display captions of all column headers in the TreeList. |
ColumnResizeMode | Specifies whether and how users can resize TreeList columns. |
Columns | Allows you to add TreeList columns. |
CssClass | Assigns a CSS class to the TreeList. |
CustomValidators | Allows you to declare custom validator components. |
Data | Specifies a data source. |
DataColumnCellDisplayTemplate | Specifies a common template used to display all data column cells in the TreeList. |
DataColumnCellEditTemplate | Allows you to replace automatically generated editors with custom content in all edit cells displayed for data columns. |
DataColumnFilterMenuTemplate | Specifies a common template used to display all column filter menus. |
DataColumnFilterRowCellTemplate | Allows you to replace automatically generated editors with custom content in all filter row cells displayed for data columns. |
DragHintTextTemplate | Specifies the template for the drag hint. |
DropTargetMode | Specifies the drop position behavior. Applicable only to drag and drop operations initiated externally. |
EditFormButtonsVisible | Specifies whether the edit form contains predefined Save and Cancel buttons. |
EditFormTemplate | Specifies the template used to display the edit form. |
EditMode | Specifies how users can edit TreeList data. |
EditNewRootRowPosition | Specifies the position of UI elements used to create new root nodes. |
EmptyDataAreaTemplate | Specifies the template used to display an empty data area. |
FilterMenuButtonDisplayMode | Specifies when the TreeList displays filter menu buttons in column headers. |
FilterTreeMode | Specifies how the TreeList component displays filtered nodes. |
FocusedRowEnabled | Specifies whether row focus is enabled. |
FooterDisplayMode | Specifies when to display the footer in the TreeList. |
HasChildrenFieldName | Specifies the field name that defines whether a node has children. |
HighlightRowOnHover | Specifies whether to highlight a data row when a user hovers the mouse pointer over it. |
KeyFieldName | Specifies the field name that contains unique identifiers for TreeList nodes. |
PageIndex | Specifies the active page index. |
PagerAutoHideNavButtons | Specifies whether arrow navigation buttons are hidden when all numeric buttons are displayed in the pager. |
PagerNavigationMode | Specifies how users navigate between TreeList pages. |
PagerPosition | Specifies the pager position. |
PagerSwitchToInputBoxButtonCount | Specifies the total number of pages when the pager switches from numeric buttons to the input box in Auto mode. |
PagerVisible | Specifies whether the TreeList displays the pager. |
PagerVisibleNumericButtonCount | Specifies the maximum number of numeric buttons displayed in the pager. |
PageSize | Specifies the maximum number of rows displayed on a page. |
PageSizeSelectorAllRowsItemVisible | Specifies whether the page size selector contains the All item. |
PageSizeSelectorItems | Specifies items available in the page size selector. |
PageSizeSelectorVisible | Specifies whether the TreeList displays the page size selector in the pager. |
ParentKeyFieldName | Specifies the field that links a node to its parent. |
PopupEditFormCssClass | Assigns a CSS class to the pop-up edit form. |
PopupEditFormHeaderText | Specifies text displayed in the pop-up edit form’s header. |
RootValue | Specifies the value that root nodes contain in the field assigned to the ParentKeyFieldName property. |
SelectAllCheckboxMode | Specifies whether the Select All checkbox selects all rows on the current page or on all TreeList pages. |
SelectedDataItem | In single selection mode, this property specifies the data item that corresponds to the selected TreeList row. |
SelectedDataItems | In multiple selection mode, this property specifies data items that correspond to selected TreeList rows. |
SelectionMode | Specifies the selection mode. |
ShowAllRows | Specifies whether the TreeList displays all rows on one page. |
ShowFilterRow | Specifies whether the TreeList displays the filter row. |
SizeMode | Specifies the size of TreeList elements (for instance, text size and row height) and other built-in components (for instance, pager and buttons). |
SkeletonRowsEnabled | Specifies whether the TreeList displays skeleton rows while it loads data. |
TextWrapEnabled | Specifies whether the TreeList wraps words or if it trims extra words and displays an ellipsis. |
ToolbarTemplate | Specifies a template for a toolbar area. |
TotalSummary | Contains total summary items. |
ValidationEnabled | Specifies whether the TreeList validates user input. |
VirtualScrollingEnabled | Specifies whether vertical virtual scrolling is enabled. |
Name | Description |
AutoFitColumnWidths() | Adjusts column width to content. |
BeginUpdate() | Suspends TreeList updates caused by parameter changes and method calls until the EndUpdate() method is called. |
CancelEditAsync() | Cancels row editing and discards changes. |
ClearFilter() | Clears the filter applied to TreeList data. |
ClearSelection() | Clears selection. |
ClearSort() | Clears sorting. |
CollapseAll() | Collapses all rows in the TreeList component. |
CollapseRow(Int32) | Collapses the row with the specified visible index. |
DeselectAllAsync() | Deselects all rows in the TreeList. |
DeselectAllOnPage() | Deselects all rows on the currently visible page except for child rows of collapsed items. |
DeselectDataItem(Object) | Deselects a row that corresponds to the specified data item. |
DeselectDataItems(IEnumerable<Object>) | Deselects rows that correspond to the specified data items. |
DeselectRow(Int32) | Deselects a row with the specified visible index. |
DeselectRows(IEnumerable<Int32>) | Deselects rows with the specified visible indexes. |
EndUpdate() | Resumes TreeList updates (when the BeginUpdate() method pauses updates) and re-renders the TreeList. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
ExpandAll() | Expands all rows in the TreeList component. |
ExpandRow(Int32) | Expands the row with the specified visible index. |
ExportToCsvAsync(Stream, TreeListCsvExportOptions) | Exports TreeList data to a stream in CSV format. |
ExportToCsvAsync(String, TreeListCsvExportOptions) | Exports TreeList data in CSV format and downloads the resulting file to the client machine. |
ExportToXlsAsync(Stream, TreeListXlExportOptions) | Exports TreeList data in XLS format to a stream. |
ExportToXlsAsync(String, TreeListXlExportOptions) | Exports TreeList data in XLS format and downloads the resulting file to the client machine. |
ExportToXlsxAsync(Stream, TreeListXlExportOptions) | Exports TreeList data in XLSX format to a stream. |
ExportToXlsxAsync(String, TreeListXlExportOptions) | Exports TreeList data in XLSX format and downloads the resulting file to the client machine. |
FilterBy(String, TreeListFilterRowOperatorType, Object) | Filters TreeList data by the specified column value. |
GetColumnEditSettings<T>(String) | Returns editor settings of the column bound to the specified data source field. |
GetColumns() | Returns a collection of all treelist columns. |
GetDataColumns() | Returns a data column collection. |
GetDataItem(Int32) | Returns a data source item bound to the row with the specified visible index. |
GetDataItemValue(Object, String) | Returns the value of the specified field for the specified data item. |
GetEditContext() | Returns the edit context. |
GetFieldFilterCriteria(String) | Returns the filter criteria applied to the specified field of the bound data source. |
GetFilterCriteria() | Returns the filter criteria applied to TreeList data. |
GetFocusedDataItem() | Returns a data item bound to the focused data row. |
GetFocusedRowIndex() | Returns the visible index of the focused row. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetPageCount() | Returns the total number of pages in the TreeList. |
GetRowValue(Int32, String) | Returns the value of the data source field in the specified row. |
GetSortedColumns() | Gets the collection of sorted columns. |
GetStartRowVisibleIndex() | Gets the visible index of the first row on the current page. |
GetTotalSummaryDisplayText(ITreeListSummaryItem) | Gets a total summary item’s display text. |
GetTotalSummaryFormattedValue(ITreeListSummaryItem) | Gets a total summary item’s formatted value. |
GetTotalSummaryItems() | Returns the collection of total summary items. |
GetTotalSummaryLabel(ITreeListSummaryItem) | Returns the name of a total summary‘s function name. |
GetTotalSummaryValue(ITreeListSummaryItem) | Gets a total summary item’s value. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
GetVisibleColumns() | Returns a collection of visible columns sorted based on their display order. |
GetVisibleRowCount() | Returns the total number of visible rows in the TreeList. |
IsDataItemFocused(Object) | Returns whether the row bound to the specified data item is focused. |
IsDataItemSelected(Object) | Returns whether the row that corresponds to the specified data item is selected. |
IsEditing() | Returns whether the TreeList is being edited. |
IsEditingNewRow() | Returns whether a new TreeList row is being edited. |
IsEditingRow(Int32) | Returns whether the specified TreeList row is being edited. |
IsRowExpanded(Int32) | Returns whether the row with the specified visible index is expanded. |
IsRowFocused(Int32) | Returns whether the row with the specified visible index is focused. |
IsRowSelected(Int32) | Returns whether the specified row is selected. |
LoadLayout(TreeListPersistentLayout) | Restores the TreeList layout. |
MakeRowVisible(Int32) | Makes the row with the specified visible index visible on screen. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
RefreshSummary() | Refreshes all total summary values in the TreeList. |
Reload() | Reloads TreeList data. |
SaveChangesAsync() | Triggers validation and raises the EditModelSaving event if validation succeeds. The method immediately raises this event if validation is disabled. |
SaveLayout() | Saves information about the TreeList layout. |
SelectAllAsync(Boolean) | Selects or deselects all rows in the TreeList. |
SelectAllOnPage(Boolean) | Selects or deselects all rows on the currently visible page except for child rows of collapsed items. |
SelectDataItem(Object, Boolean) | Selects or deselects a row that corresponds to the specified data item. |
SelectDataItems(IEnumerable<Object>, Boolean) | Selects or deselects rows that correspond to the specified data items. |
SelectRow(Int32, Boolean) | Selects or deselects a row with the specified visible index. |
SelectRows(IEnumerable<Int32>, Boolean) | Selects or deselects rows with the specified visible indexes. |
SetFieldFilterCriteria(String, CriteriaOperator) | Applies a filter to the specified data field. |
SetFilterCriteria(CriteriaOperator) | Applies a filter to TreeList data. |
SetFocusedRowIndex(Int32) | Moves focus to the row with the specified visible index. |
ShowColumnChooser() | Shows the column chooser in the center of the treelist. |
ShowColumnChooser(DialogDisplayOptions) | Shows the column chooser and positions it based on specified display options. |
ShowColumnChooser(String) | Shows the column chooser below the specified target element. |
ShowRowDeleteConfirmation(Int32) | Displays the delete confirmation dialog for the specified row. If a user confirms the operation, the method raises the DataItemDeleting event. |
SortBy(String, TreeListColumnSortOrder, Int32) | Sorts data by column values in the specified order and specifies the sorted column’s index. |
SortBy(String, TreeListColumnSortOrder) | Sorts data by column values in the specified order. |
SortBy(String) | Sorts data by the specified column values. |
StartEditNewRowAsync(Int32, String) | Starts editing a new child node of the row with the specified visible index. |
StartEditNewRowAsync(String) | Starts editing a new root node. |
StartEditRowAsync(Int32, String) | Starts editing the row with the specified visible index. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
WaitForDataLoadAsync() | Returns a task that completes when pending asynchronous data load operations are completed. |
WaitForRemoteSourceRowLoadAsync(Int32) | Returns a task that is completed when the specified row of a remote data source is loaded. |
Name | Description |
ChildrenLoading | Allows you to populate a node with child nodes. The TreeList component raises this event for each node during initialization. |
ChildrenLoadingOnDemand | Allows you to populate a node with child nodes. The TreeList component raises this event when the node is expanded for the first time. |
CustomizeCellDisplayText | Allows you to customize text displayed within a cell. |
CustomizeDataRowEditor | Allows you to customize a cell editor in a data row. |
CustomizeEditModel | Allows you to customize an automatically generated edit model or create a custom edit model. |
CustomizeElement | Allows you to customize TreeList cells and rows according to their values. |
CustomizeFilterMenu | Allows you to customize column filter menu items. |
CustomizeFilterRowEditor | Allows you to customize a cell editor in the filter row. |
CustomizeSummaryDisplayText | Allows you to customize the summary display text. |
CustomSort | Allows you to implement custom logic used to sort data in the TreeList. |
CustomSummary | Allows you to create custom summary items. |
DataItemDeleting | Fires after a user confirms the delete operation in the delete confirmation dialog. |
EditCanceling | Fires before the TreeList cancels the edit operation and discards changes. |
EditModelSaving | Fires if validation succeeds after a user saves changes or you call the SaveChangesAsync() method. |
EditStart | Fires before the TreeList starts editing a row. |
FilterCriteriaChanged | Fires when filter criteria that is applied to TreeList data changes. |
FocusedRowChanged | Fires when row focus changes. |
ItemsDropped | Fires when a user drops rows onto the TreeList. |
LayoutAutoLoading | Fires when the DxTreeList component finishes initialization and starts to load its layout. |
LayoutAutoSaving | Fires when the TreeList layout changes. |
PageIndexChanged | Fires when the TreeList’s active page index changes. |
PageSizeChanged | Fires when the page size changes. |
RowClick | Fires when a user clicks or taps a TreeList row or focuses a data cell and presses Enter. |
RowDoubleClick | Fires when a user double clicks a TreeList row. |
SelectedDataItemChanged | In single selection mode, fires when a TreeList row is selected. |
SelectedDataItemsChanged | In multiple selection mode, fires when the selection in the TreeList changes. |
ShowAllRowsChanged | Fires when the ShowAllRows property value changes. |
See Also