DxTreeList Events
A component that displays hierarchical data in tabular format and allows users to edit, sort, filter, and otherwise shape the data.Name | Description |
ChildrenLoading | Allows you to populate a node with child nodes. The TreeList component raises this event for each node during initialization. |
ChildrenLoadingOnDemand | Allows you to populate a node with child nodes. The TreeList component raises this event when the node is expanded for the first time. |
CustomizeCellDisplayText | Allows you to customize text displayed within a cell. |
CustomizeDataRowEditor | Allows you to customize a cell editor in a data row. |
CustomizeEditModel | Allows you to customize an automatically generated edit model or create a custom edit model. |
CustomizeElement | Allows you to customize TreeList cells and rows according to their values. |
CustomizeFilterMenu | Allows you to customize column filter menu items. |
CustomizeFilterRowEditor | Allows you to customize a cell editor in the filter row. |
CustomizeSummaryDisplayText | Allows you to customize the summary display text. |
CustomSort | Allows you to implement custom logic used to sort data in the TreeList. |
CustomSummary | Allows you to create custom summary items. |
DataItemDeleting | Fires after a user confirms the delete operation in the delete confirmation dialog. |
EditCanceling | Fires before the TreeList cancels the edit operation and discards changes. |
EditModelSaving | Fires if validation succeeds after a user saves changes or you call the SaveChangesAsync() method. |
EditStart | Fires before the TreeList starts editing a row. |
FilterCriteriaChanged | Fires when filter criteria that is applied to TreeList data changes. |
FocusedRowChanged | Fires when row focus changes. |
ItemsDropped | Fires when a user drops rows onto the TreeList. |
LayoutAutoLoading | Fires when the DxTreeList component finishes initialization and starts to load its layout. |
LayoutAutoSaving | Fires when the TreeList layout changes. |
PageIndexChanged | Fires when the TreeList’s active page index changes. |
PageSizeChanged | Fires when the page size changes. |
RowClick | Fires when a user clicks or taps a TreeList row or focuses a data cell and presses Enter. |
RowDoubleClick | Fires when a user double clicks a TreeList row. |
SelectedDataItemChanged | In single selection mode, fires when a TreeList row is selected. |
SelectedDataItemsChanged | In multiple selection mode, fires when the selection in the TreeList changes. |
ShowAllRowsChanged | Fires when the ShowAllRows property value changes. |
See Also