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DxChartCandlestickSeries<T, TArgument, TValue> Properties

Defines a candlestick series.
Name Description
AggregationMethod Obsolete. Specifies the method that calculates summaries for points with the same argument value. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
ArgumentField Specifies a data source field that contains arguments for series values. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
Axis Specifies an axis for the series. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
BreakOnEmptyPoints Specifies whether the series should break on points with null values. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
CloseField Specifies a lambda expression that defines how to obtain the Close value for each financial series point. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
Color Specifies the series color. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
Data Specifies a data source for the series. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
Filter Specifies an expression used to filter series values. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
HighField Specifies a lambda expression that defines how to obtain the High value for each financial series point. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
HoverMode Specifies series elements to be highlighted when a user hovers over a series point. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
InnerColor Specifies the body fill color if the closing price is higher than the opening price.
LowField Specifies a lambda expression that defines how to obtain the Low value for each financial series point. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
MaxLabelCount Specifies the maximum number of point labels that the DxChartSeries displays. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
Name Specifies the name for the series. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
OpenField Specifies a lambda expression that defines how to obtain the Open value for each financial series point. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
Pane Specifies a pane where the series is displayed. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
SelectionMode Specifies the financial series’ selection mode. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
Settings Accepts series settings when you create a series template. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
SummaryMethod Specifies the method that calculates summaries for points with the same argument value. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
ValueField Specifies a data source field that contains values for series points. Inherited from DxChartXYSeries<T, TArgument, TValue, TAggregate>.
Visible Specifies the series visibility. Inherited from DxChartSeries.
Width Specifies the financial series (DxChartCandlestickSeries and DxChartStockSeries) width in pixels. Inherited from DxChartFinancialSeriesBase<T, TArgument, TValue>.
See Also