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DxGrid Events

A component that displays data in a tabular format and allows users to edit, sort, group, filter, and otherwise shape data.
Name Description
CustomGroup Enables you to implement custom logic used to group data in the grid.
CustomizeCellDisplayText Allows you to customize text displayed within a cell.
CustomizeDataRowEditor Allows you to customize a cell editor in a data row.
CustomizeEditModel Allows you to create a custom edit model or customize an automatically generated edit model.
CustomizeElement Allows you to customize grid elements.
CustomizeFilterMenu Allows you to customize column filter menu items.
CustomizeFilterRowEditor Allows you to customize a cell editor in the filter row.
CustomizeGroupValueDisplayText Allows you to customize the group value’s display text.
CustomizeSummaryDisplayText Allows you to customize the summary display text.
CustomSort Allows you to implement custom logic used to sort data in the grid.
CustomSummary Allows you to create custom summary items.
DataItemDeleting Fires when a user confirms the delete operation in the delete confirmation dialog.
EditCanceling Fires before the Grid cancels the edit operation and discards changes.
EditModelSaving Fires if validation succeeds after a user saves changes or you call the SaveChangesAsync() method.
EditStart Fires before the Grid starts editing a row.
FilterCriteriaChanged Fires when filter criteria applied to grid data change.
FocusedRowChanged Fires when the row focus changes.
ItemsDropped Fires when a user drops rows onto the Grid.
LayoutAutoLoading Fires when the DxGrid component is initialized and starts to load its layout.
LayoutAutoSaving Fires when the grid’s layout changes.
PageIndexChanged Fires when the grid’s active page index changes.
PageSizeChanged Fires when the page size changes.
RowClick Fires when a user clicks or taps a grid row or focuses a data cell and presses Enter.
RowDoubleClick Fires when a user double clicks a grid row.
SearchTextChanged Fires when the search text changes.
SelectedDataItemChanged In single selection mode, fires when another Grid row is selected.
SelectedDataItemsChanged In multiple selection mode, fires when the selection in the Grid changes.
ShowAllRowsChanged Fires when the ShowAllRows property value changes.
UnboundColumnData Allows you to implement custom logic to obtain unbound column values.
See Also