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DxListBox<TData, TValue>.SearchText Property

Specifies the text that the List Box uses to filter and highlight data.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public string SearchText { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The search text.


The List Box component allows you to search text, and filter and highlight search results. Use the SearchText property to specify the search text in code. Refer to Search Syntax.

<DxListBox TData=Person TValue=Person Data="Staff.DataSource"
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="FirstName"></DxListEditorColumn>
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="LastName"></DxListEditorColumn>
        <DxListEditorColumn FieldName="Department"></DxListEditorColumn>

Search Text

To respond to search text changes, handle the SearchTextChanged event. The event is handled automatically when you use two-way data binding for the SearchText property (@bind-SearchText).

Set a column’s SearchEnabled property to false to exclude a specific column from search operations.

If the search text contains multiple words separated by space characters, the words can be treated as a single condition or individual conditions based on the SearchTextParseMode property value.

You can use a built-in search box in the List Box. Set the ShowSearchBox property to true to display the search box in the component.

Search Box Overview

Run Demo: List Box - Search Box

Search Syntax

The search text can include special characters that allow users to create composite criteria. These characters are not in effect in the ExactMatch parse mode.

Group Operator for an Individual Criterion


In GroupWordsByOr parse mode, precede a criterion with the plus sign to use the AND operator for this criterion. Other criteria are combined by the OR operator.

Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
maria anna +anders contains either maria or anna, and must contain anders Maria Anderson, Annabelle Anders
?criterion1 ?criterion2

In GroupWordsByAnd parse mode, precede criteria with the question mark to group them by the OR logical operator. Other criteria are combined by the AND operator.

Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
?maria ?anna anders contains either maria or anna, and must contain anders Maria Anderson, Annabelle Anders

Specify a Column for a Criterion

The List Box component can search text in every visible data column if the column’s SearchEnabled property is set to true.


Precede a search string with the column’s caption plus a colon character to search against a specific column.

You can use the initial characters of the caption to search against the first column whose caption starts with the specified substring. To search against a column whose caption contains space characters, specify the column’s display caption in quotation marks.

Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
cont:maria contains maria in a column whose caption starts with cont Maria, Maria Anders
"contact name":maria contains maria in a column whose caption starts with contact name Maria, Maria Anders

If the specified column is not found, the List Box seeks the search text in every visible data column.

Criterion With Spaces

"word1 word2"

To search for a string that contains a space character, specify this string in quotation marks. Additionally, you can use a quotation mark to specify a column whose caption contains space characters.

Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
"maria anders" contains maria anders Maria Anders
"contact name":maria contains maria in a column whose caption starts with contact name Maria, Maria Anders

Logical Not


Precede a criterion with the minus sign to exclude records that match this criterion from the result.

Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
maria -anders contains maria but not anders Maria Lopes

Comparison Operators

The List Box component uses the Contains operator to build search criteria. You can specify the following comparison operators for individual criterion.

Precede a criterion with the caret sign to display records that start with the specified criterion.

Precede a criterion with the equals sign to display records that are equal to the specified criterion.

Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
^anna starts with anna Annabelle Anders
=ana equal to ana Ana

Wildcard Masks


Precede a condition with the tilde sign to use the following wildcard masks in a criterion:

  • The % symbol - substitutes zero or more characters.
  • The _ symbol - substitutes a single character.
Search Text Sample Description Result Samples
~an%o starts with an and ends with o Ana Trujillo
~%any starts with any symbol(s) and ends with any Germany
~_ran% starts with any symbol, then ran, and ends with any symbol(s) Francisco Chang, France


DevExpress.Blazor.IListBox<TData, TValue>.SearchText
See Also