DxTimeEdit<T> Properties
A time editor with a drop-down time picker.Name | Description |
Buttons | Allows you to add command buttons to the Time Edit. |
ClearButtonDisplayMode | Specifies whether an input editor displays the Clear button when it is not empty. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>. |
CssClass | Assign a CSS class to the editor. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>. |
DisplayFormat | Specifies the pattern used to format the Time Edit’s display value when the editor is not focused. |
DropDownBodyCssClass | Assign a CSS class to the drop-down body in the Time Edit. |
DropDownCssClass | Assign a CSS class to the Time Edit’s drop-down. |
DropDownDirection | Specifies the direction in which the drop-down time picker is displayed relative to the editor’s input element. |
DropDownVisible | Specifies the current state (displayed/hidden) of the drop-down time picker. |
Enabled | Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>. |
Format | Specifies the pattern used to format the Time Edit’s value. |
Id | Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>. |
InputCssClass | Assign a CSS class to the editor’s input. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>. |
InputId | Specifies a unique identifier (ID) of an editor’s input element. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>. |
Mask | Specifies a mask pattern. |
MaxTime | Specifies the maximum time value that can be selected in the Time Edit. |
MinTime | Specifies the minimum time value that can be selected in the Time Edit. |
NullText | Specifies the editor’s prompt text when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>. |
OutOfRangeNotificationText | The notification message displayed when a user selects a time value outside a range in the Time Edit. |
ReadOnly | Specifies whether read-only mode is active. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>. |
ScrollPickerFormat | Specifies the scroll picker’s time format. |
ShowDropDownButton | Specifies whether the Time Edit displays the built-in button that invokes a time picker. |
ShowValidationIcon | Specifies whether an editor shows validation icons. Inherited from DxInputDataEditorBase<T>. |
SizeMode | Specifies an editor size. Inherited from DxDataEditor<T>. |
Time | Specifies time that is selected in the Time Edit component. |
TimeExpression | Specifies a lambda expression that identifies the Time property’s bound value when the Time Edit is placed in the EditForm. |
See Also