DxRangeSelector Properties
An interactive component that visualizes data on a linear scale and allows users to select a value range.Name | Description |
AllowMouseSelection | Specifies whether users can use the mouse to select a range. |
AllowSliderSwap | Specifies whether users can swap sliders. |
AnimationEnabled | Specifies whether the Range Selector animation is enabled. |
Data | Specifies an object that supplies Range Selector data. |
Height | Specifies the component height. |
MoveSelectedRangeByClick | Specifies whether users can move the selected range with mouse clicks. |
RedrawOnResize | Specifies whether to redraw the Range Selector when its container size changes. |
SelectedRangeColor | Specifies the selected range color. |
SelectedRangeEndValue | Specifies the end value of the selected range. |
SelectedRangeLength | Specifies the length of the selected range. Does not apply to discrete scales. |
SelectedRangeStartValue | Specifies the start value of the selected range. |
SelectedRangeUpdateMode | Specifies how the selected range should behave if new values are added to the data source. |
SnapSliderToTicks | Specifies whether to dock the dropped slider to the nearest tick. |
ValueChangeMode | Specifies how the Range Selector updates selected range values. |
Width | Specifies the component width. |
See Also