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DxGridDataColumn.FilterRowEditorVisible Property
Specifies whether the column’s filter row cell displays the automatically generated editor.
Namespace : DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly :
NuGet Package :
# Declaration
# Property Value
to display the filter row editor; otherwise, false
Enable the ShowFilterRow option to activate a row that allows users to filter Grid data. The Grid component generates and configures cell editors for filter row cells based on associated column data types. You can disable a column’s FilterRowEditorVisible
property to hide this column’s editor and prevent users from filtering data by this column.
Note that the FilterRowEditorVisible
property does not affect custom filter row editors defined in the FilterRowCellTemplate .
The following example hides the filter row editor in the Shipped column.
@using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
@inject IDbContextFactory<NorthwindContext> NorthwindContextFactory
@ implements IDisposable
<DxGrid Data ="@ Data"
ShowFilterRow ="true" >
<Columns >
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName ="OrderId" Caption ="Order ID" DisplayFormat ="d" / >
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName ="OrderDate" DisplayFormat ="d" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName ="ProductName" FilterRowValue ='"Queso"'
FilterRowOperatorType ="GridFilterRowOperatorType.Contains" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName ="UnitPrice" DisplayFormat ="c2" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName ="Shipped" UnboundType ="GridUnboundColumnType.Boolean"
UnboundExpression ="[ShippedDate] <> Null"
FilterRowEditorVisible ="false" />
<DxGridCommandColumn NewButtonVisible ="false"
EditButtonVisible ="false"
DeleteButtonVisible ="false" / >
</Columns >
</DxGrid >
@ code {
object Data { get ; set ; }
NorthwindContext Northwind { get ; set ; }
protected override void OnInitialized ( ) {
Northwind = NorthwindContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
Data = Northwind.Invoices
public void Dispose ( ) {
using System ;
#nullable disable
namespace Grid.Northwind {
public partial class Invoice {
public string ShipName { get ; set ; }
public string ShipAddress { get ; set ; }
public string ShipCity { get ; set ; }
public string ShipRegion { get ; set ; }
public string ShipPostalCode { get ; set ; }
public string ShipCountry { get ; set ; }
public string CustomerId { get ; set ; }
public string CustomerName { get ; set ; }
public string Address { get ; set ; }
public string City { get ; set ; }
public string Region { get ; set ; }
public string PostalCode { get ; set ; }
public string Country { get ; set ; }
public string Salesperson { get ; set ; }
public int OrderId { get ; set ; }
public DateTime? OrderDate { get ; set ; }
public DateTime? RequiredDate { get ; set ; }
public DateTime? ShippedDate { get ; set ; }
public string ShipperName { get ; set ; }
public int ProductId { get ; set ; }
public string ProductName { get ; set ; }
public decimal UnitPrice { get ; set ; }
public short Quantity { get ; set ; }
public float Discount { get ; set ; }
public decimal ? ExtendedPrice { get ; set ; }
public decimal ? Freight { get ; set ; }
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
#nullable disable
namespace Grid.Northwind {
public partial class NorthwindContext : DbContext {
public NorthwindContext (DbContextOptions<NorthwindContext> options )
: base (options ) {
public virtual DbSet<Invoice> Invoices { get ; set ; }
protected override void OnConfiguring (DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder ) {
if (!optionsBuilder.IsConfigured) {
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server=.\\sqlexpress;Database=Northwind;Integrated Security=true" );
protected override void OnModelCreating (ModelBuilder modelBuilder ) {
modelBuilder.HasAnnotation("Relational:Collation" , "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" );
modelBuilder.Entity<Invoice>(entity => {
entity.ToView("Invoices" );
entity.Property(e => e.Address).HasMaxLength(60 );
entity.Property(e => e.City).HasMaxLength(15 );
entity.Property(e => e.Country).HasMaxLength(15 );
entity.Property(e => e.CustomerId)
.HasMaxLength(5 )
.HasColumnName("CustomerID" )
.IsFixedLength(true );
entity.Property(e => e.CustomerName)
.HasMaxLength(40 );
entity.Property(e => e.ExtendedPrice).HasColumnType("money" );
entity.Property(e => e.Freight).HasColumnType("money" );
entity.Property(e => e.OrderDate).HasColumnType("datetime" );
entity.Property(e => e.OrderId).HasColumnName("OrderID" );
entity.Property(e => e.PostalCode).HasMaxLength(10 );
entity.Property(e => e.ProductId).HasColumnName("ProductID" );
entity.Property(e => e.ProductName)
.HasMaxLength(40 );
entity.Property(e => e.Region).HasMaxLength(15 );
entity.Property(e => e.RequiredDate).HasColumnType("datetime" );
entity.Property(e => e.Salesperson)
.HasMaxLength(31 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipAddress).HasMaxLength(60 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipCity).HasMaxLength(15 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipCountry).HasMaxLength(15 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipName).HasMaxLength(40 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipPostalCode).HasMaxLength(10 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipRegion).HasMaxLength(15 );
entity.Property(e => e.ShippedDate).HasColumnType("datetime" );
entity.Property(e => e.ShipperName)
.HasMaxLength(40 );
entity.Property(e => e.UnitPrice).HasColumnType("money" );
partial void OnModelCreatingPartial (ModelBuilder modelBuilder ) ;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore ;
builder.Services.AddDbContextFactory<NorthwindContext>((sp, options) => {
var env = sp.GetRequiredService<IWebHostEnvironment>();
var dbPath = Path.Combine(env.ContentRootPath, "Northwind-5e44b51f.mdf" );
options.UseSqlServer("Server=(localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Integrated Security=true;AttachDbFileName=" + dbPath);
Run Demo: Data Grid - Filter Row
For more information about filter row, see the following topic: Filter Row in Blazor Grid .
See Also