DxAccordion Members
A side navigation control that can organize items into collapsible groups.Constructors
Name | Description |
DxAccordion() | Initializes a new instance of the DxAccordion class. |
Name | Description |
AnimationType | Specifies the animation type. |
Attributes | Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the Accordion. |
CssClass | Assigns a CSS class to the component. Inherited from DxComponent. |
CustomFilter | Allows you to implement custom filter logic. |
Data | Specifies the data source. |
DataMappings | Specifies data mappings. |
ExpandCollapseAction | Specifies the user action that expands or collapses the item. |
ExpandMode | Specifies how many items can be expanded at a time. |
FilterMinLength | Specifies the minimum number of characters a user must type in the search box to apply the filter. |
FilterNullText | Specifies the filter panel’s prompt text. |
FilterString | Specifies the filter criteria used to filter the component’s items. |
Id | Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxComponent. |
ItemContentTemplate | Specifies a content template for all Accordion items. |
ItemHeaderTextTemplate | Specifies a header text template for all Accordion items. |
Items | Specifies the collection of the Accordion’s items. |
ItemTemplate | Specifies the template used to display Accordion items. |
LoadChildItemsOnDemand | Specifies whether the Accordion’s child items are loaded on demand. |
RootItemCollapseButtonIconCssClass | Specifies the CSS class name for a root item’s Collapse button icon. |
RootItemExpandButtonDisplayMode | Specifies where the Accordion component displays its expand button for root items. |
RootItemExpandButtonIconCssClass | Specifies the CSS class name for a root item’s Expand button icon. |
SelectionMode | Specifies the selection mode. |
ShowFilterPanel | Specifies whether the Accordion displays the filter panel. |
SizeMode | Specifies the size of the component’s inner elements. Also affects the component’s size. |
SubItemCollapseButtonIconCssClass | Specifies the CSS class name for a subitem’s Collapse button icon. |
SubItemExpandButtonDisplayMode | Specifies where the Accordion component displays expand and collapse buttons for nested items. |
SubItemExpandButtonIconCssClass | Specifies the CSS class name for a subitem’s Expand button icon. |
Target | Specifies the target attribute’s value for all items. |
UrlMatchMode | Specifies whether the item becomes selected if its NavigateUrl property value matches the active web page. If the control does select the item, it expands all parent items. |
Name | Description |
ClearSelection() | Clears selection. |
CollapseAll() | Collapses all items. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
ExpandAll() | Expands all items. |
ExpandToItem(Func<IAccordionItemInfo, Boolean>) | Expands items down to the specified item. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetItemExpanded(Func<IAccordionItemInfo, Boolean>) | Returns whether the specified item is expanded. |
GetItemInfo(Func<IAccordionItemInfo, Boolean>) | Returns information about the specified item. |
GetItemsInfo(Func<IAccordionItemInfo, Boolean>) | Returns information about the specified items. |
GetSelectedItemInfo() | Returns information about the selected item. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
SelectItem(Func<IAccordionItemInfo, Boolean>) | Selects the specified item. |
SetItemExpanded(Func<IAccordionItemInfo, Boolean>, Boolean) | Expands or collapses the specified node. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Name | Description |
AfterCollapse | Fires after an item was collapsed. |
AfterExpand | Fires after an item was expanded. |
BeforeCollapse | Fires when an item is about to be collapsed and allows you to cancel the action. |
BeforeExpand | Fires when an item is about to be expanded and allows you to cancel the action. |
FilterStringChanged | Fires when a component’s filter string changes. |
ItemClick | Fires when a user clicks an Accordion item. |
SelectionChanged | Fires when a collection of selected Accordion items changes. |
See Also