Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.
namespaceTabs.Data {
publicstaticclassEmployees {
publicstatic List<Employee> Load() {
var dataSource = new List<Employee>() {
new Employee() { Title="Mr.", FirstName="John", LastName="Heart", Position="CEO", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1964/03/16"),
Notes="John has been in the Audio/Video industry since 1990. He has led DevAv as its CEO since 2003. When not working hard as the CEO, John loves to golf and bowl. He once bowled a perfect game of 300.", FileName="JohnHeart" },
new Employee() { Title="Mrs.", FirstName="Olivia", LastName="Peyton", Position="Sales Assistant", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1981/06/03"),
Notes="Olivia loves to sell. She has been selling DevAV products since 2012. Olivia was homecoming queen in high school. She is expecting her first child in 6 months. Good luck, Olivia.", FileName="OliviaPeyton" },
new Employee() { Title="Mr.", FirstName="Robert", LastName="Reagan", Position="CMO", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1974/09/07"),
Notes="Robert was recently voted the CMO of the year by CMO Magazine. He is a proud member of the DevAV Management Team. Robert is a championship BBQ chef, so when you get the chance ask him for his secret recipe.", FileName="RobertReagan" },
new Employee() { Title="Ms.", FirstName="Greta", LastName="Sims", Position="HR Manager", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1977/11/22"),
Notes="Greta has been DevAV's HR Manager since 2003. She joined DevAV from Sonee Corp. Greta is currently training for the NYC marathon. Her best marathon time is 4 hours. Go Greta.", FileName="GretaSims" },
new Employee() { Title="Mr.", FirstName="Brett", LastName="Wade", Position="IT Manager", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1968/12/01"),
Notes="Brett came to DevAv from Microsoft and has led our IT department since 2012. When he is not working hard for DevAV, he coaches Little League (he was a high school pitcher).", FileName="BrettWade" },
new Employee() { Title="Mrs.", FirstName="Sandra", LastName="Johnson", Position="Controller", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1974/11/15"),
Notes="Sandra is a CPA and has been our controller since 2008. She loves to interact with staff so if you've not met her, be certain to say hi. Sandra has 2 daughters both of whom are accomplished gymnasts.", FileName="SandraJohnson" },
new Employee() { Title="Mr.", FirstName="Kevin", LastName="Carter", Position="Shipping Manager", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1978/01/09"),
Notes="Kevin is our hard-working shipping manager and has been helping that department work like clockwork for 18 months. When not in the office, he is usually on the basketball court playing pick-up games.", FileName="KevinCarter" },
new Employee() { Title="Ms.", FirstName="Cynthia", LastName="Stanwick", Position="HR Assistant", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1985/06/05"),
Notes="Cindy joined us in 2008 and has been in the HR department for 2 years. She was recently awarded employee of the month. Way to go Cindy!" , FileName="CynthiaStanwick"},
new Employee() { Title="Dr.", FirstName="Kent", LastName="Samuelson", Position="Ombudsman", BirthDate=DateTime.Parse("1972/09/11"),
Notes="As our ombudsman, Kent is on the front-lines solving customer problems and helping our partners address issues out in the field. He is a classically trained musician and is a member of the Chamber Orchestra." , FileName="KentSamuelson"},
return dataSource;
publicstatic List<Employee> DataSource { get { return Load(); } }