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DxUpload.ShowSelectButton Property

Specifies whether to show the select button that invokes the open file dialog.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public bool ShowSelectButton { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean true

true, to show the select button; otherwise, false.


The Upload displays the Select File button that invokes the open file dialog.

Upload Overview

Set the ShowSelectButton property to false to hide this button. Use the ExternalDropZoneCssSelector and ExternalDropZoneDragOverCssClass to implement drag and drop functionality.

<div id="overviewDemoDropZone" class="card custom-drop-zone bg-light rounded-3 w-100 m-0">
    <span class="drop-file-icon mb-3"></span>
    <span>Drag and Drop File Here</span>
<DxUpload Name="myFile" UploadUrl="https://localhost:10000/api/Upload/Upload/" 
          ExternalDropZoneDragOverCssClass="bg-light border-secondary text-dark" >

Upload Hide Select Button

You can also use the ExternalSelectButtonCssSelector property to implement an external select button.

See Also