DxTreeView.SelectNode(Func<ITreeViewNodeInfo, Boolean>) Method
In This Article
Selects the specified node.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public void SelectNode(
Func<ITreeViewNodeInfo, bool> predicate
Name | Type | Description |
predicate | Func<ITree |
A method delegate that specifies a particular node. |
When the AllowSelectNodes property is set to true
, the DxTreeView
component allows node selection. Use the SelectNode
method to select a node programmatically. If none of the nodes meet the specified condition, the component does not clear selection. Call the ClearSelection() method to deselect nodes.
The following example selects the Lanthanides node and expands all its parent nodes:
<button type="button" @onclick="@(() => SelectNode("Lanthanides"))">Select Lanthanides</button>
<DxTreeView @ref="@SampleTreeView" AllowSelectNodes="true">
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Metals">
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Alkali metals" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Alkaline earth metals" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Inner transition elements">
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Lanthanides" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Actinides" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Transition elements" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Other metals" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Metalloids" />
<DxTreeViewNode Text="Nonmetals" />
@code {
DxTreeView SampleTreeView;
void SelectNode(string text) {
SampleTreeView.SelectNode((n) => n.Text == text);
SampleTreeView.ExpandToNode((n) => n.Text == text);
This method is not in effect if Load Child Nodes on Demand mode is enabled, and the specified node is not loaded yet.
See Also