DxTreeView.ExpandToNode(Func<ITreeViewNodeInfo, Boolean>) Method
In This Article
Expands the nodes down to the specified node.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public void ExpandToNode(
Func<ITreeViewNodeInfo, bool> predicate
Name | Type | Description |
predicate | Func<ITree |
A method delegate that specifies a particular node. |
The following code snippet expands a selected node if it has children.
<DxTreeView @ref="@SampleTreeView" AllowSelectNodes="true" SelectionChanged="@SelectionChanged">
@* ... *@
@code {
DxTreeView SampleTreeView;
protected void SelectionChanged(TreeViewNodeEventArgs e) {
SampleTreeView.ExpandToNode((n) => n.Text == e.NodeInfo.Text);
if (!SampleTreeView.GetSelectedNodeInfo().IsLeaf) {
SampleTreeView.SetNodeExpanded((n) => n.Text == e.NodeInfo.Text, true);
This method does not expand the specified node if Load Child Nodes on Demand mode is enabled, and the node is not loaded yet.
See Also