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DxToolbar.AdaptivityAutoHideRootItems Property

Specifies whether the Toolbar hides root-level items when the browser’s width changes.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public bool AdaptivityAutoHideRootItems { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Default Description
Boolean true

true to hide the Toolbar root-level items when the browser’s width changes; otherwise, false.


The following properties specify how the Toolbar component behaves when the container’s width changes:

Specifies whether to hide captions in all items that contain icons.
Specifies whether the toolbar moves root items one by one to the root submenu until the root level reaches the minimum number of root items (AdaptivityMinRootItemCount). You can also use AdaptivePriority and AdaptiveText properties to specify the order in which the component hides its items and alternative item text for adaptive mode.

The following code snippet moves the align item group to the submenu first and then hides text strings of the last group:

<div class="card">
    <DxToolbar Title="New Article" 
            <DxToolbarItem Name="FontFamily" Text="@currentFont.Name" BeginGroup="true" AdaptiveText="Font Family"
                        Tooltip="Font Family">
                    @foreach(var font in FontInfo.DefaultFonts) {
                        <DxToolbarItem Text="@font.Name"
                                       Click="(x) => { currentFont = font; }"
                                       Checked="currentFont == font"
                                       Style="@font.GetCssString()" />
            <DxToolbarItem AdaptivePriority="1" BeginGroup="true"
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-bold" AdaptiveText="Bold" />
            <DxToolbarItem AdaptivePriority="1" GroupName="font-italic"
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-italic" AdaptiveText="Italic" />
            <DxToolbarItem AdaptivePriority="1" GroupName="font-underline" 
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-underline" AdaptiveText="Underline" />
            <DxToolbarItem AdaptivePriority="2" BeginGroup="true" GroupName="align"
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-align-left" AdaptiveText="Left" />
            <DxToolbarItem AdaptivePriority="2" GroupName="align" AdaptiveText="Center"
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-align-center" />
            <DxToolbarItem AdaptivePriority="2" GroupName="align" AdaptiveText="Right"
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-align-right"/>
            <DxToolbarItem BeginGroup="true" Text="Undo" 
                           AdaptiveText="Undo" IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-undo" />
            <DxToolbarItem Text="Redo" AdaptiveText="Redo"
                           IconCssClass="tb-icon tb-icon-redo" />

Toolbar Adaptivity

Run Demo: Toolbar - Adaptivity

See Also