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DxSpinEdit<T>.Buttons Property

Allows you to add command buttons to the Spin editor.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public RenderFragment Buttons { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A collection of buttons (UI fragments).


The Spin Edit component has the built-in buttons that increase/decrease an editor value. You can use the ShowSpinButtons property to hide these buttons.

You can also add custom command buttons to the Spin Edit:

  1. Add the <Buttons></Buttons> tag to the component’s markup to define the Buttons collection.
  2. Fill the Buttons collection. The following buttons are available:

  3. Set up button properties to customize the buttons:

    • CssClass
    • Position
    • and so on

Buttons are displayed in an editor in the following order:

  • The “Clear” button
  • Custom buttons and customized default buttons (in the same order as they appear in markup)
  • Built-in buttons

The following code adds a custom currency button to the Spin editor.

@using System.Globalization

<DxSpinEdit @bind-Value="@Price"
            <DxEditorButton IconCssClass="@($"editor-icon {CurrencyButtonIconClass}")"
                            Tooltip="Change currency"
                            CssClass="dx-demo-editor-width" />
            <DxNumericMaskProperties Culture="MaskCultureInfo" />

double Price { get; set; }
string CurrencyButtonIconClass { get; set; } = "editor-icon-euro";
CultureInfo MaskCultureInfo { get; set; } = CultureInfoItems[0];
    static CultureInfo[] CultureInfoItems { get; set; } = {
    void OnChangeCultureInfoButtonClick() {
        var isCurrentCultureUs = MaskCultureInfo.Equals(CultureInfoItems[0]);
        MaskCultureInfo = isCurrentCultureUs ? CultureInfoItems[1] : CultureInfoItems[0];
        CurrencyButtonIconClass = isCurrentCultureUs ? "editor-icon-dollar" : "editor-icon-euro";

    .dx-demo-editor-width {
        max-width: 320px;
        width: 100%;

SpinEdit - Add Command Button

Run Demo: Editors - Command Buttons

We do not recommend that you use conditional render within the <Buttons></Buttons tag. This may cause an incorrect button order. The following example demonstrates a case when the Button1 may change its position.

    @if(condition) {
        <DxEditorButton Text="Button1"/>    
    <DxEditorButton Text="Button2"/>    
    <DxEditorButton Text="Button3"/>

If you need to hide a button, set the Visible property to false.

See Also