Command Buttons
- 3 minutes to read
DevExpress Blazor editors display built-in command buttons that allow users to open a drop-down, increase/decrease the value, or clear the edit box content.
You can use Show***Button
properties to hide these buttons.
You can also customize default command button or add custom buttons to editors. Follow the steps below.
- Add the
tag to the editor’s markup to define theButtons
collection. Fill the
collection. This collection renders specified buttons in the order they appear in the markup.The following buttons are available:
- DxComboBoxDropDownButton - A button that invokes a drop-down menu (can be added to the DxComboBox<TData, TValue> only).
- DxDateEditDropDownButton - A button that invokes a drop-down calendar (can be added to the DxDateEdit<T> only).
- DxDropDownBoxDropDownButton - A button that invokes the drop-down window in the DxDropDownBox component.
- DxSpinButtons - Spin buttons that allow you to increase and decrease a value (can be added to the DxSpinEdit<T> only).
- DxTimeEditDropDownButton - A button that invokes a drop-down time picker (can be added to the DxTimeEdit<T> only).
The following button is available for the DxComboBox<TData, TValue>, DxDateEdit<T>, DxDateRangePicker<T>, DxDropDownBox, DxMaskedInput<T>, DxSpinEdit<T>, DxTextBox, and DxTimeEdit<T> components:
- DxEditorButton - A custom button displayed in an editor.
Set up button properties to customize the buttons:
- and so on
Buttons are displayed in an editor in the following order:
- The “Clear” button
- Custom buttons and customized default buttons (in the same order as they appear in markup)
- Built-in buttons
#Hide Built-in Button
The following code snippet hides the built-in spin buttons in the Spin editor.
<DxSpinEdit Value="15" ShowSpinButtons="false"></DxSpinEdit>
#Customize Default Button
The following code snippet hides the built-in spin buttons, adds new spin buttons, and specifies their position.
<DxSpinEdit Value="15" ShowSpinButtons="false">
<DxSpinButtons Position="EditorButtonPosition.Left"/>
#Add Custom Button
The following code snippet adds a custom currency button to the right of the default spin buttons:
@using System.Globalization
<DxSpinEdit @bind-Value="@Price"
<DxSpinButtons />
<DxEditorButton IconCssClass="@($"editor-icon {CurrencyButtonIconClass}")"
Tooltip="Change currency"
CssClass="dx-demo-editor-width" />
<DxNumericMaskProperties Culture="MaskCultureInfo" />
double Price { get; set; }
string CurrencyButtonIconClass { get; set; } = "editor-icon-euro";
CultureInfo MaskCultureInfo { get; set; } = CultureInfoItems[0];
static CultureInfo[] CultureInfoItems { get; set; } = {
void OnChangeCultureInfoButtonClick() {
var isCurrentCultureUs = MaskCultureInfo.Equals(CultureInfoItems[0]);
MaskCultureInfo = isCurrentCultureUs ? CultureInfoItems[1] : CultureInfoItems[0];
CurrencyButtonIconClass = isCurrentCultureUs ? "editor-icon-dollar" : "editor-icon-euro";
.dx-demo-editor-width {
max-width: 320px;
width: 100%;