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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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DxSchedulerStartDateFormLayoutItem.ColSpanMd Property

Specifies the number of columns the layout item occupies on medium screens (768px or wider).

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public override int ColSpanMd { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Default Description
Int32 7

The number of columns.


You can use the following properties to create a custom edit form for appointments:

Construct the form based on layout items in the same way as when you use the DxFormLayout component. The Scheduler ships with a set of predefined layout items that correspond to items of the default edit form.

The component uses a responsive grid system based on the CSS flexible box layout to render items. Each layout item can occupy between 1 and 12 columns. Use the ColSpanMd property to specify the number of columns the layout item occupies on medium screens (768px or wider).

<DxScheduler StartDate="@DateTime.Today"
        <DxSchedulerWorkWeekView VisibleTime="@(new DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(8), 
    <AppointmentFormLayout >
        <DxSchedulerStartDateFormLayoutItem ColSpanMd="12"></DxSchedulerStartDateFormLayoutItem>

For more information, refer to the following help topic: Custom Appointment Form.

See Also