DxScheduler.ResourceNavigatorVisible Property
In This Article
Specifies whether the Scheduler displays the Resource Navigator.
Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor
Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor
public bool ResourceNavigatorVisible { get; set; }
#Property Value
Type | Default | Description |
Boolean | true |
The Resource Navigator is a drop-down window that allows you to hide or display resource groups.
Use the ResourceNavigatorVisible
property to specify whether the Resource Navigator is visible. The following code snippet replaces the build-in Resource Navigator with a custom tree-like navigator.
<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.None" Click="@ToggleResourceNavigator" IconCssClass="demo-resnavigator-icon" title="Toggle the resource navigator" />
@if(ResourceNavigatorExpanded) {
<span style="">Resources</span>
@if(ResourceNavigatorExpanded) {
<DxTreeView AfterCollapse="@(e => UpdateExpandedState(e, false))" AfterExpand="@(e => UpdateExpandedState(e, true))">
@foreach(Resource group in Groups) {
<DxTreeViewNode Text="@group.Name" Name="@group.Id.ToString()" Expanded="@IsExpanded(group)">
@foreach(Resource resource in GetResources(group)) {
<DxTreeViewNode Text="@resource.Name">
<DxCheckBox T="bool"
CheckedChanged="@(visible => UpdateVisibilty(resource, visible))">
<DxScheduler @bind-StartDate="@StartDate"
<DxSchedulerDayView DayCount="1" ShowWorkTimeOnly="true"></DxSchedulerDayView>
@code {
List<Resource> Groups = ResourceCollection.GetResourceGroups();
List<Resource> VisibleResources = ResourceCollection.GetResources().Take(2).ToList();
bool ResourceNavigatorExpanded { get; set; } = true;
DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Today;
DxSchedulerDataStorage DataStorage = new DxSchedulerDataStorage() {
AppointmentsSource = ResourceAppointmentCollection.GetAppointments(),
AppointmentMappings = new DxSchedulerAppointmentMappings() {
Type = "AppointmentType",
Start = "StartDate",
End = "EndDate",
Subject = "Caption",
AllDay = "AllDay",
Location = "Location",
Description = "Description",
LabelId = "Label",
StatusId = "Status",
RecurrenceInfo = "Recurrence",
ResourceId = "ResourceId"
ResourcesSource = ResourceCollection.GetResources(),
ResourceMappings = new DxSchedulerResourceMappings() {
Id = "Id",
Caption = "Name",
BackgroundCssClass = "BackgroundCss",
TextCssClass = "TextCss"
Dictionary<int, bool> ExpandedState = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
bool IsVisible(Resource resource) {
return VisibleResources.Contains(resource);
void UpdateVisibilty(Resource resource, bool visible) {
VisibleResources = VisibleResources.OrderBy(p => p.Id).ToList();
bool IsExpanded(Resource resource) {
return ExpandedState.ContainsKey(resource.Id) ? ExpandedState[resource.Id] : true;
void UpdateExpandedState(TreeViewNodeEventArgs args, bool expanded) {
int resourceId = int.Parse(args.NodeInfo.Name);
ExpandedState[resourceId] = expanded;
void ToggleResourceNavigator() {
ResourceNavigatorExpanded = !ResourceNavigatorExpanded;
IEnumerable<Resource> GetResources(Resource group) {
return ResourceCollection.GetResources()
.Where(resource => resource.GroupId == group.Id);
See Also