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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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DxScheduler Properties

A calendar and scheduler component that displays a detailed snapshot of events/appointments in your web application across a single day, a week, or a month.
Name Description
ActiveViewType Specifies the currently active view.
AllowCreateAppointment Specifies whether users can create new appointments.
AllowDeleteAppointment Specifies whether users can delete appointments.
AllowDragAppointment Specifies whether users can drag appointments.
AllowDragAppointmentBetweenResources Specifies whether users can drag-and-drop appointments between resource groups.
AllowEditAppointment Specifies whether users can edit appointments.
AllowResizeAppointment Specifies whether users can resize appointments.
AppointmentCompactFormHeaderTemplate Specifies the template for the compact edit form‘s header.
AppointmentCompactFormLayout Specifies the layout of the compact form that appears when a user creates or edits an appointment.
AppointmentFormHeaderTemplate Specifies the template for the extended edit form‘s header.
AppointmentFormLayout Specifies the layout of the extended form that appears when you create an appointment and click the expand button, or when you edit an appointment.
AppointmentFormMode Specifies which appointment form a user can use to create and edit appointments.
AppointmentTooltipHeaderTemplate Specifies the template for the appointment tooltip’s header.
AppointmentTooltipTemplate Specifies the template for an appointment tooltip.
Attributes Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the Scheduler.
ChildContent Specifies the view collection.
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the DxScheduler component.
DataStorage Specifies the Scheduler’s data source.
DateNavigatorTextTemplate Specifies the template used to display text in the Scheduler’s Date Navigator.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the first day of the week.
GroupType Specifies how Scheduler appointments are grouped.
Id Specifies the DxScheduler component’s unique identifier.
InnerComponentSizeMode Specifies the size of the Scheduler’s inner components.
RecurrenceSettingsFormHeaderTemplate Specifies the template for the recurrence settings form’s header.
ResourceColorInHeaderVisible Specifies whether a resource color is applied to the corresponding group’s header.
ResourceNavigatorVisible Specifies whether the Scheduler displays the Resource Navigator.
SelectedAppointment Specifies the selected appointment.
ShowAppointmentTooltip Specifies whether to show an appointment’s tooltip.
StartDate Specifies the Scheduler’s start date.
ValidateEditForm Specifies whether to validate the appointment edit form.
Views Specifies the Scheduler’s view collection.
VisibleResourcesDataSource Specifies the data source that stores visible resource objects.
WorkDays Specifies days assigned to a workweek.
See Also