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DxScheduler.AppointmentCompactFormHeaderTemplate Property

Specifies the template for the compact edit form‘s header.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public RenderFragment<SchedulerAppointmentFormInfo> AppointmentCompactFormHeaderTemplate { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

The template content.


The compact form header displays the Appointment text and buttons (Save Changes, Discard Changes, and Show Appointment Form).

Scheduler - Default Header

You can use the AppointmentCompactFormHeaderTemplate property to customize the header’s layout and appearance. This property accepts a SchedulerAppointmentFormInfo object as the context parameter. Use the context parameter to access appointment data.

The following code snippet customizes the header of the compact edit form. The header displays the appointment’s subject and buttons (Save Changes, Delete Appointment, Discard Changes, and Show Appointment Form).

<DxScheduler StartDate="@DateTime.Today"
        <DxSchedulerWeekView ShowWorkTimeOnly="false"
                             TimeScale="@(new TimeSpan(0,15,0))"
                             WorkTime="@(new DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(9), TimeSpan.FromHours(18)))"
                             VisibleTime="@(new DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange(TimeSpan.FromHours(8), TimeSpan.FromHours(19)))">
        <div class="popup-text-header">@context.Subject</div>
        <DxSchedulerDeleteAppointmentButton Text="@null"></DxSchedulerDeleteAppointmentButton>

@code {
    DxSchedulerDataStorage DataStorage = new DxSchedulerDataStorage() {
            AppointmentsSource = AppointmentCollection.GetAppointments(),
            AppointmentMappings = new DxSchedulerAppointmentMappings() {
                Type = "AppointmentType",
                Start = "StartDate",
                End = "EndDate",
                Subject = "Caption",
                AllDay = "AllDay",
                Location = "Location",
                Description = "Description",
                LabelId = "Label",
                StatusId = "Status",
                RecurrenceInfo = "Recurrence"

    .popup-text-header {
        margin-right: auto;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        overflow: hidden;
        white-space: nowrap;

Scheduler - Compact Form Header

Run Demo: Scheduler - Custom Fields and Appointment Form

See Also