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DxPolarChart<T>.BarGroupWidth Property

Specifies the width of bar groups in pixels.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public int? BarGroupWidth { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
Nullable<Int32> null

The bar group width, in pixels.


Use the BarGroupWidth property to specify the width of all bar groups of a Polar Chart. The maximum bar group width equals the major tick interval. You can also use the DxChartBarSeriesBase.BarWidth property to specify the bar width for an individual series. The BarGroupWidth property has higher priority in single-series charts.

The following example sets the bar group width to 25 pixels:

<DxPolarChart Data=@DataSource BarGroupWidth="25">
    @* ... *@

Bar group width

Use the BarGroupPadding property to specify bar group padding as a percentage. The BarGroupPadding property value affects bar widths: the higher the BarGroupPadding property value, the narrower all bars are. Note that the BarGroupPadding property value has no effect if you use the BarGroupWidth property to specify bar group width explicitly.

See Also