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IListEditorBase<TData, TValue> Properties

A base interface for DevExpress Blazor list editors: DxListBox<TData, TValue>, DxComboBox<TData, TValue>, and DxTagBox<TData, TValue>.
Name Description
CssClass Specifies the name of a CSS class applied to an editor.
CustomData Specifies an asynchronous function that loads editor data based on the specified load options.
Data Specifies a strongly typed collection that supplies editor data.
DataAsync Specifies an asynchronous function that returns editor data.
Enabled Specifies whether an editor can respond to user interactions.
ListRenderMode Specifies how an editor renders its items.
ReadOnly Specifies whether the read-only mode is active.
SizeMode Specifies the size of editor’s inner components (items and checkboxes).
TextFieldName Specifies the data source field that contains text for editor items.
ValueFieldName Specifies the data source field that populates values for the editor items.
See Also