IListEditorBase<TData, TValue> Properties
A base interface for DevExpress Blazor list editors: DxListBox<TData, TValue>, DxComboBox<TData, TValue>, and DxTagBox<TData, TValue>.Name | Description |
CssClass | Assign a CSS class to an editor. |
CustomData | Specifies an asynchronous function that loads editor data based on the specified load options. |
Data | Specifies a strongly typed collection that supplies editor data. |
DataAsync | Specifies an asynchronous function that returns editor data. |
Enabled | Specifies whether an editor can respond to user interactions. |
KeyFieldName | Specifies the field name that contains unique identifiers for component items. |
KeyFieldNames | Specifies the names of data fields that contain key values. The combination of key values forms a unique identifier for a component item. |
ListRenderMode | Specifies how an editor renders its items. |
ReadOnly | Specifies whether the read-only mode is active. |
SizeMode | Specifies the size of editor’s inner components (items and checkboxes). |
TextFieldName | Specifies the data source field that contains text for editor items. |
ValueFieldName | Specifies the data source field that populates values for the editor items. |
See Also