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DxWindow.MoveAsync(Double, Double, CancellationToken) Method

Asynchronously moves the Window to the specified coordinates.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public Task MoveAsync(
    double x,
    double y,
    CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)


Name Type Description
x Double

The X coordinate of the window’s top left corner.

y Double

The Y coordinate of the window’s top left corner.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
token CancellationToken null

An object that propagates a cancellation notification.


Type Description

An asynchronous operation that moves the Window.


The following code snippet moves the Window to the mouse click’s position.

<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
          Click="() => WindowVisible = !WindowVisible">SHOW A WINDOW</DxButton>

<DxButton RenderStyle="ButtonRenderStyle.Secondary"
          Click="OnMoveAtClickPosition">MOVE THE WINDOW HERE</DxButton>

<DxWindow @ref=Window
          BodyText="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sit amet metus vel
             nisi blandit tincidunt vel efficitur purus. Nunc nec turpis tempus, accumsan orci auctor,
             imperdiet mauris. Fusce id purus magna."
          Width="max(25vw, 250px)">

@code {
    DxWindow Window;
    bool WindowVisible { get; set; } = false;

    async Task OnMoveAtClickPosition(MouseEventArgs args) {
        await Window.MoveAsync(args.ClientX, args.ClientY);
See Also