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DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange.Intersect(DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange, DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange) Method

Returns an interval that is the intersection of two specified intervals.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public static DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange Intersect(
    DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange x,
    DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange y


Name Type Description
x DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange

The first interval within the day.

y DxSchedulerTimeSpanRange

The second interval within the day.


Type Description

The intersection of two specified intervals. If these intervals do not intersect, the Empty value is returned.


The returned interval’s Start property is set to the latest date among start dates of two intervals. The returned interval’s End property is set to the earliest date among end dates of two intervals.

See Also