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DxPieChart<T> Properties

A control that visualizes data as Pie and Donut charts.
Name Description
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the Chart component. Inherited from DxChartBase.
Data Specifies a data source.
Diameter Specifies a value used to calculate the Pie Chart’s outer diameter.
Height Specifies the chart component’s absolute or relative height. Inherited from DxChartBase.
Id Specifies the Chart component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxChartBase.
InnerDiameter Specifies a value used to calculate the Pie Chart’s inner diameter.
LabelOverlap Specifies how overlapping points are displayed.
MinDiameter Specifies the Pie Chart’s minimum diameter to limit the space that labels with Outside position occupy.
Palette Specifies the color scheme to colorize chart series. Inherited from DxChartBase.
PaletteExtensionMode Specifies how to extend the chart palette when the number of colors is less than the number of series (for DxChart) or series points (for DxPieChart). Inherited from DxChartBase.
PointSelectionMode Specifies whether a user can select pie sectors.
RedrawOnResize Specifies whether to redraw the chart when its container size changes. Inherited from DxChartBase.
SegmentDirection Specifies the direction in which the chart arranges series slices.
StartAngle Specifies the angle at which the chart lays out the first series slice.
Width Specifies the chart component’s absolute or relative width. Inherited from DxChartBase.
See Also