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DxFlyout.Position Property

Specifies how to position the flyout window.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public FlyoutPosition Position { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

The window position.

Available values:

Show 13 items
Name Description Image

Displays the flyout window at the most suitable position determined by the Flyout component.


Displays the flyout window at the top edge of the target element aligned to the left element edge.

Top Start Position


Displays the flyout window at the top edge of the target element centered horizontally.

Top Position


Displays the flyout window at the top edge of the target element aligned to the right element edge.

Top End Position


Displays the flyout window at the right edge of the target element aligned to the top element edge.

Right Start Position


Displays the flyout window at the right edge of the target element centered vertically.

Right Position


Displays the flyout window at the right edge of the target element aligned to the bottom element edge.

Right End Position


Displays the flyout window at the bottom edge of the target element aligned to the left element edge.

Bottom Start Position


Displays the flyout window at the bottom edge of the target element centered horizontally.

Bottom Position


Displays the flyout window at the bottom edge of the target element aligned to the right element edge.

Bottom End Position


Displays the flyout window at the left edge of the target element aligned to the top element edge.

Left Start Position


Displays the flyout window at the left edge of the target element centered vertically.

Left Position


Displays the flyout window at the left edge of the target element aligned to the bottom element edge.

Left End Position


Use the Position property to specify the flyout window position relative to the target element (PositionTarget or PositionRectangle).

Run Demo: Flyout - Placement

<DxButton Id="show-flyout" Click="() => IsOpen = !IsOpen">Show a flyout window</DxButton>
<DxFlyout @bind-IsOpen="@IsOpen" Width="210"
            BodyText="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

@code {
    bool IsOpen { get; set; } = false;

Blazor Flyout Offsets

You can list the allowed positions. In this case, the Flyout component determines the most suitable window position among the specified positions.

<DxFlyout Position=@(FlyoutPosition.BottomStart | FlyoutPosition.TopStart) ... />

The position takes into account the offset specified by the Offset and Distance property values.

See Also