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DxCheckBox<T>.Checked Property

Specifies the checkbox’s state.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public T Checked { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

The data type.


The DxCheckBox<T> component can have two states (checked and unchecked) or three states (checked, unchecked, and indeterminate) depending on the Checked property’s type.

The following table lists <DxCheckBox>‘s predefined data types and shows how these types’ values define checkbox states.

Data Type

Checked State

Unchecked State

Indeterminate State




(not supported)

Nullable Boolean







null or any other value

Unsigned Integer Numeric Types



2 or any other value

Signed Integer Numeric Types



-1 or any other value

Floating-Point Numeric Types



-1 or any other value


If the CheckType property is set to Switch, <DxCheckBox> can display the checked and unchecked states only. The indeterminate state is considered as unchecked.

You can also bind <DxCheckBox> to any data type that is not listed above. See Custom Data Types for more information.

Handle the CheckedChanged event to respond to the checkbox’s state changes.

Run Demo: CheckBox - Overview

Run Demo: CheckBox - Customize Layout

#CheckBox with Two States

The following sample creates a checkbox and bind its Checked property to a Boolean object. In this case, the checkbox supports two states.

<DxCheckBox @bind-Checked="@Value">@GetText()</DxCheckBox>

    bool Value { get; set; }

    string GetText() {
        if (Value) return "Checked";
        else return "Unchecked";

The default checkbox state is unchecked. To switch the state, users should click the checkbox or press Space when the checkbox is focused.

CheckBox Two States

#CheckBox with Three States

The following sample creates a checkbox and bind its Checked property to a Nullable Boolean object. In this case, the checkbox supports three states.

Set the AllowIndeterminateStateByClick property to true to enable users to set the indeterminate state.

<DxCheckBox @bind-Checked="@Value" AllowIndeterminateStateByClick="true">@GetText()</DxCheckBox>

    bool? Value { get; set; }

    string GetText() {
        if (Value == true) return "Checked";
        if (Value == false) return "Unchecked";
        return "Indeterminate";

The default checkbox state is indeterminate. Users can click the checkbox or press Space to change the state in the following order: Indeterminate → Checked → Unchecked → Indeterminate, and so on.

CheckBox Three States

If the AllowIndeterminateStateByClick is set to false (the default value), users can switch states in the following order: Indeterminate (default) → Checked → Unchecked → Checked → Unchecked, and so on.

#Custom Data Types

You can also bind <DxCheckBox> to a custom data type (Enum, Object, etc.) Use the following properties to explicitly specify how to consider type values:

  • ValueChecked - Specifies a value that corresponds to the checked state.
  • ValueUnchecked - Specifies a value that corresponds to the unchecked state.
  • ValueIndeterminate - Specifies a value that corresponds to the indeterminate state.

if a value is not equal to the specified properties, it is considered as the indeterminate state.

The following example binds <DxCheckBox> to an Enum object.

<DxCheckBox @bind-Checked="@Value" AllowIndeterminateStateByClick ValueChecked="@Opinion.Yes" 
            ValueUnchecked="@Opinion.No" ValueIndeterminate="@Opinion.Abstain">@GetText()</DxCheckBox>
<DxCheckBox Checked="Opinion.Yes" Enabled="false" ValueChecked="@Opinion.Yes" 
            ValueUnchecked="@Opinion.No" ValueIndeterminate="@Opinion.Abstain">Disabled Checked</DxCheckBox>
<DxCheckBox Checked="Opinion.No" Enabled="false" ValueChecked="@Opinion.Yes" 
            ValueUnchecked="@Opinion.No" ValueIndeterminate="@Opinion.Abstain">Disabled Unchecked</DxCheckBox>
<DxCheckBox Checked="Opinion.Abstain" Enabled="false" ValueChecked="@Opinion.Yes" 
            ValueUnchecked="@Opinion.No" ValueIndeterminate="@Opinion.Abstain">Disabled Indeterminate</DxCheckBox>

    enum Opinion { Yes, No, Abstain }
    Opinion Value = Opinion.Abstain;

    string GetText() {
        if(Value == Opinion.Yes) return "Checked";
        if(Value == Opinion.No) return "Unchecked";
        return "Indeterminate";

CheckBox Enabled

Run Demo: CheckBox - Bind to Custom Data Types

See Also