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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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DxRibbonGroup.ChildContent Property

Specifies group nested items.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public RenderFragment ChildContent { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

Nested items.


A ribbon group can contain the following nested items:

Blazor automatically generates the ChildContent property when you specify tabs between <DxRibbonGroup><DxRibbonGroup> tags:

    <DxRibbonTab Text="Home">
        <DxRibbonGroup Text="Clipboard">
                <DxRibbonItem Text="Undo" IconCssClass="rb-icon rb-icon-undo" SplitDropDownButton="true">
                    <DxRibbonItem Text="Redo" />
                <DxRibbonItem Text="Paste" IconCssClass="rb-icon rb-icon-paste" SplitDropDownButton="true">
                    <DxRibbonItem Text="Copy" />
                    <DxRibbonItem Text="Cut" />


Since ChildContent contains nested markup of its parent class, the template content must conform to HTML semantics.

You can omit the <ChildContent> tag and specify the markup directly in the <DxRibbonGroup> tag:

    <DxRibbonTab Text="Home">
        <DxRibbonGroup Text="Clipboard">
            <DxRibbonItem Text="Undo" IconCssClass="rb-icon rb-icon-undo" SplitDropDownButton="true">
                <DxRibbonItem Text="Redo" />
            <DxRibbonItem Text="Paste" IconCssClass="rb-icon rb-icon-paste" SplitDropDownButton="true">
                <DxRibbonItem Text="Copy" />
                <DxRibbonItem Text="Cut" />
See Also