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TreeListXlExportOptions.CustomizeSheetHeader Property

Allows you to add rows above grid content in the output document.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


public Action<TreeListExportCustomizeSheetHeaderFooterEventArgs> CustomizeSheetHeader { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description

A delegate method that customizes the document header area.


The TreeList calls the CustomizeSheetHeader delegate method before the TreeList starts exporting data. You can write the action handler to perform the following actions:

@using DevExpress.Printing.ExportHelpers
@using DevExpress.Export
@using DevExpress.Export.Xl
@using DevExpress.Drawing

<DxButton Text="Export to XLSX" Click="ExportXlsx_Click" />

<DxTreeList Data="TreeListData" KeyFieldName="Id" ParentKeyFieldName="ParentId" @ref="MyTreeList">
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="Name" Caption="Task" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="EmployeeName" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="StartDate" />
        <DxTreeListDataColumn FieldName="DueDate" />

@code {
    ITreeList MyTreeList { get; set; }

    async Task ExportXlsx_Click() {
        var options = new TreeListXlExportOptions();
        options.CustomizeSheetHeader = e => {
            // Specify cell formatting.
            var FirstCellFormat = new XlFormattingObject();
            FirstCellFormat.Font = new XlCellFont();
            FirstCellFormat.Font.Size = 24;
            FirstCellFormat.Font.Bold = true;
            FirstCellFormat.Alignment = new XlCellAlignment();
            FirstCellFormat.Alignment.HorizontalAlignment = XlHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            FirstCellFormat.Alignment.VerticalAlignment = XlVerticalAlignment.Center;
            var SecondCellFormat = FirstCellFormat;
            SecondCellFormat.Font.Size = 18;

            // Add an image to the top of the document.
            for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
            var ImageCellRange = new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 0), new XlCellPosition(5, 7));
            var fileName = @"C:\temp\DevExpress-Logo.png";
            using (FileStream outfile = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
            e.ExportContext.InsertImage(DXImage.FromStream(outfile), ImageCellRange);

            // Add an empty row.
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 8), new XlCellPosition(5, 8)));

            // Add rows with company contacts.
            var AddressCellName = new CellObject { Value = "Address :", Formatting = FirstCellFormat };
            var AddressCellLocation = new CellObject { Value = "505 N. Brand Blvd Suite 1450", Formatting = SecondCellFormat };
            e.ExportContext.AddRow(new[] { AddressCellName, null, AddressCellLocation });
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 9), new XlCellPosition(1, 10)));
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(2, 9), new XlCellPosition(5, 9)));

            var AddressCellLocation2 = new CellObject { Value = "Glendale CA 91203 USA", Formatting = SecondCellFormat };
            e.ExportContext.AddRow(new[] { null, null, AddressCellLocation2 });
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(2, 10), new XlCellPosition(5, 10)));

            var PhoneCellName = new CellObject { Value = "Phone :", Formatting = FirstCellFormat };
            var PhoneCellLocation = new CellObject { Value = "+ 1 (818) 844-3383", Formatting = SecondCellFormat };
            e.ExportContext.AddRow(new[] { PhoneCellName, null, PhoneCellLocation });
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 11), new XlCellPosition(1, 11)));
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(2, 11), new XlCellPosition(5, 11)));

            var FaxCellName = new CellObject { Value = "Fax :", Formatting = FirstCellFormat };
            var FaxCellLocation = new CellObject { Value = "+ 1 (818) 844-3395", Formatting = SecondCellFormat };
            e.ExportContext.AddRow(new[] { FaxCellName, null, FaxCellLocation });
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 12), new XlCellPosition(1, 12)));
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(2, 12), new XlCellPosition(5, 12)));

            var EmailCellName = new CellObject { Value = "Email :", Formatting = FirstCellFormat };
            var EmailCellLocation = new CellObject { Value = "" };
            EmailCellLocation.Hyperlink = "";
            e.ExportContext.AddRow(new[] { EmailCellName, null, EmailCellLocation });
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 13), new XlCellPosition(1, 13)));
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(2, 13), new XlCellPosition(5, 13)));

            // Add an empty row.
            e.ExportContext.MergeCells(new XlCellRange(new XlCellPosition(0, 14), new XlCellPosition(5, 14)));
        await MyTreeList.ExportToXlsxAsync("ExportResult", options);

Customize Header in the Exported Document

See Also