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IChartDataItem.SeriesName Property

Returns the name of a data source field that is used to group data by series.

Namespace: DevExpress.Blazor

Assembly: DevExpress.Blazor.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Blazor


string SeriesName { get; }

Property Value

Type Description

The name of a data source field


Objects that implement the IChartDataItem interface are used to specify a chart’s data source when you link the Chart and Pivot Grid components. The IChartDataItem.SeriesName returns the name of a data source field that is used to group data by series. Assign this name to NameField property.

Follow the steps below to link the Chart and Pivot Grid components:

  1. Create a method that asynchronously loads data from an IEnumerable<T> data source (Sales.Load() in this example).
  2. Create a DxPivotGridDataProvider<T> object based on the created method.
  3. Bind the Chart to the provider object. Use the ChartDataSource property.
  4. Bind the Pivot Grid to the provider object. Use the PivotGridDataSource property.
<DxChart Data="@(PivotGridDataProvider.ChartDataSource)">
    <DxChartCommonSeries NameField="@((IChartDataItem s) => s.SeriesName)"
                         ArgumentField="@(s => s.Argument)"
                         ValueField="@(s => s.Value)"
                         SeriesType="ChartSeriesType.Bar" />

<DxPivotGrid Data="@(PivotGridDataProvider.PivotGridDataSource)">
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.Region)" SortOrder="PivotGridSortOrder.Ascending" 
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.Country)" Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Row"></DxPivotGridField>
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.City)" Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Row"></DxPivotGridField>
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.Date)" GroupInterval="PivotGridGroupInterval.Year" 
        Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Column" Caption="Year"> </DxPivotGridField>
    <DxPivotGridField Field="@nameof(SaleInfo.OrderId)" Caption="Count" Area="PivotGridFieldArea.Data" 
        SummaryType="PivotGridSummaryType.Count"> </DxPivotGridField>

@code {
    DxPivotGridDataProvider<SaleInfo> PivotGridDataProvider = DxPivotGridDataProvider<SaleInfo>.Create(Sales.Load());

The Chart shows data from the Pivot Grid’s lowest expanded level. The Chart is updated when a user expands or collapses rows/columns in the Pivot Grid.

Linked PivotGrid And Chart

Run Demo: Pivot Grid - Chart Integration

See Also