DxTimeSpanMaskProperties Properties
Defines time span mask settings.Name | Description |
AllowNegativeValue | Specifies whether the editor’s value can be negative. |
CaretMode | Specifies the caret navigation mode. |
Culture | Specifies an application’s current culture. Inherited from DxMaskPropertiesBase. |
DefaultFocusSection | Specifies which section receives focus after you call the FocusAsync() method. |
HideAllZeroValueOptionalSections | Specifies whether a time span mask hides all zero value optional sections. |
InvalidInputNotificationText | Specifies the validation message displayed when a data editor value does not match the applied mask. Inherited from DxMaskPropertiesBase. |
OutOfBoundsValueProcessMode | Specifies whether users can enter a number that exceeds the section’s maximum threshold (for instance, 65 minutes). |
SelectAllInputMode | Specifies whether the editor clears all section values after a user selects all content and starts to enter digits. |
UpdateNextSectionOnCycleChange | Specifies whether the editor updates the value of the next mask section after the current section’s value passes the maximum or minimum threshold. |
See Also