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DxSchedulerRecurrenceInfo Properties

Contains recurrence information about an appointment.
Name Description
DayNumber Specifies the ordinal number of a day within a month.
Duration Returns the duration of the interval between the recurrent appointment’s start and end date.
End Specifies the recurrent appointment’s end date.
FirstDayOfWeek Specifies the first day of the week. This day is used to calculate occurrences.
Frequency Specifies the frequency with which the appointment reoccurs based on the Type property value.
Id Specifies the item ID. Inherited from DxSchedulerSourceObjectContainer.
Interval Returns an object that contains information about the recurring appointment’s interval.
Month Specifies the month on which the appointment reoccurs.
OccurrenceCount Specifies how many times the recurrent appointment occurs.
Range Determines how a range’s end date is specified.
SourceObject A data source object to which a Scheduler item is bound. Inherited from DxSchedulerSourceObjectContainer.
Start Specifies the recurrent appointment’s start date.
TimeZoneId Specifies the recurrent appointment’s time zone identifier.
Type Specifies the unit of time used to calculate appointment reoccurrences.
WeekDays Specifies the day/days in a week on which the appointment reoccurs.
WeekOfMonth Specifies the week in a month on which the appointment reoccurs.
See Also