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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.

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DxPopup Events
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A modal popup window with custom content that overlays the current view.
Name Description
CloseButtonClick Obsolete. This event is now obsolete. Handle the Closing or Closed event instead. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
Closed Fires after the Popup is closed. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
Closing Fires before the Popup is closed. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
Created Fires after the Popup is created. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
Disposed Fires after the Popup is disposed. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
DragCompleted Fires when a user drops the Popup.
DragStarted Fires when a user drags the Popup or resizes it by edges.
ResizeCompleted Fires after the Popup is resized.
ResizeStarted Fires when a user starts to resize the Popup.
Showing Fires before the Popup is displayed. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
Shown Fires after the Popup is displayed. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
VisibleChanged Fires when the Popup changes its Visible property value. Inherited from DxPopupBase.
See Also